I had a fall yesterday, fell backwards down my two outside steps, banged my head really hard and landed with the steps in the middle of my back on my right side. I don’t have a mark on me, apart from my elbow, but I’m in a lot of pain and it hurts when I breathe deeply. It’s manageable pain so I don’t think I’ve broken/cracked a rib, but I was wondering if it’s possible to bruise the lung. The pain is all inside, on the right. Like I said not a mark on me
After a fall : I had a fall yesterday... - Lung Conditions C...
After a fall

My advice would be to get checked over. Firstly due to your head injury. The injury to your chest can be soft tissue or bone. There are a number of circumstances which could make it worse. Best advice would be to see your GP or go to your nearest drop in medical centre.
I totally agree with badbessie, please get checked over. Better to be safe. Xxxxxx
Hello Weeannie . How awful for you and a bad shock! I'm surprised you didn't lose consciousness. If you can it may be wise to just have a check like Badbessie suggests. Just in case of internal bleeding. I hope you feel better really soon.
Do take special care.
Cas xx 🌹
I agree with everyone, see your GP, don't take chances with your lungs
Oh dear..sounds like a bad fall..you need a good checkup if you are in pain..
Take care x

Thank you xx

Thank you xx
I would get checked out. You never know what's going on inside. I hope all is well, and you are okay.
Thank you xx
How are you?
Still so sore, yesterday I thought I’d use paracetamol instead of co codamol as pain relief, (co codamol makes me feel sickly) worked fine during the day, but I was awake in bad pain during most of the night. Today it’s straight back on the co codamol. I’d rather give birth lol lol. Thank you xxx
Thank you everyone, I’ve seen my GP and I’ve cracked a rib and have internal bruising, rest and pain meds for the next few days, and long term it’s about 6weeks to fully recover. Thank you all xx
Glad to hear you got it sorted out quickly, best wishes for a full recovery, take care x
Glad to hear you have been checked over. Please do take it easy. xx 🌹
A cracked rib hurts!! Have a good rest and take care
That’s painful..so sorry for you Weeannie..there are some light stretchy corsets you can wear if it helps..when you want to go out, it holds it together..now cold packs are good but who wants to freeze with this weather, my electric cushion helps me with back pain, I don’t know how you respond to heat..Arnica gel is natural and good so are granules if you believe in homeopathy.
Rosemary tea is good for pain xx

Thank you xx
Hi......I did he same sort of thing a year ago last January ,rushing down to feed the swans..
Like you I decided I could cope with the pain in my ribs , the bump on my head went down after a couple of days....... I ended up going to a local hospital call in centre. Yes I had broken one rib and damaged cartilage a bit lower down.
My sympathies as the pain is unbelievable, particularly when trying to turn over in bed.
You need to see a doc and get checked out ,plus get the painkillers you need .
Jo. 😊
That sounds ouch!!!
Wether you’re bruised or not I would get it checked!
You may need an X-ray to check posterior rib cage! Also if you bumped your head you need to check it out!
I bet it shook you up too!
Hope you’re better soon
That's awful and I hope you are okay but agree always best to get checked out.