Has anyone else had the same problem as me or anything similar. Since coming out of hospital November and being diagnosed with bronchiectasis, copd and asthma, my memory is apalling, I can be talking and just forget words just completely vanish, and when my partner or kids don't know what I'm trying to say I lose my temper and just tell them to forget my conversation I forget to take my medication and have to have my partner to remind me, I can have a conversation with someone and 5 minutes later forget we had it unless something reminds me of the conversation. To be honest it's getting a little scary now or am.i just losing my marbles??!! Xx
Losing memory or my marbles? - Lung Conditions C...
Losing memory or my marbles?

Been like that since 2010 with my heart op and some times feel like I have downs
Been like that since 2012 all time since I worked my self 60 - 72 hours a week till then. What do yo you do now 47 and can’t do anything????
I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering was just asking whether it was related to what we have been through or whether I am just losing it xx
Hi Usgang. I can totally relate to your situation as I am exactly the same. I can go make a cup of tea, stare at the kettle for 10 minutes, make it and then throw it in the bin ! After writing this I know for a fact that in an hour or so I will have to check to see what I've written. Losing track mid-sentence in a conversation is also infuriating. However, after all that, I assume your situation is lung-related whereas mine is to do with other conditions and certain, previous, erm "lifestyle choices ".(Alcohol!) The only thing I can say, is that a lot of meds taken together can cause problems over time. I must stress that I'm speaking for my situation only. I'd ask your Doctor. I know this hasn't been much help but I replied just so you know your not on your own! Take care.
Thankyou so much for your reply have got an appointment with my Dr this morning so will mention it, Respritary nurse just brushed it off and said its nothing but I know myself and I'm definitely not the same anymore xx
Hi Usgang. Thanks for replying. I do think that stress and depression play a major role in this situation. One of my biggest pleasures is reading (always has been), but now I struggle to read more than 3 or 4 pages before I stare and re-read the same page about 10 times, lol. This, combined with a LOT of other things, really do affect me in a big way. I'm glad you are seeing the Doctor and all I can suggest is to keep going. (Easier said than done, I know.) There are always a lot of good people on here for advice. (Better than me, anyway!)☺ Take care.
I am the same Usgang all the time, forget words or say the wrong ones. Last night after tea said I had forgotten to close the kitchen door instead of window. My spelling has gone downhill too. And I often miss words off messages. I seem to have changed after my last birthday in November, can remember I'm now 76. I can laugh at myself too 🤔
Thankyou for your reply, I used to laugh along with others about my miss use of words or forgetting but now it's so frustrating and upsetting to me xx
Hi. I can identify with all the comments. It’s a bit early for me to say but I think I may be a bit better since I have been on oxygen (about 2 weeks) .... just a thought!
USGANG: It seems you are not alone with this problem of memory loss AND it is from being in the hospital! I began to Google and came across these articles instantly, and there are more!
(I also researched after I was hospitalized 2 years ago, and found that a surgery can leave you with breathing problems from the anesthesia! Of course my doctor did not agree, but it happened to me after I had my appendectomy!)

Wow Thankyou xx
You are most welcome.
You would think the medical industry would make sure the public was aware of this, but maybe there is too much money involved to be lost by doctors and hospitals etc. I just know whenever I have asked my doctor about things like this that I read, he is very quick to deny it is true.
We must all be our own protector and do our own research and use our own intellegence to decide on our medical care and how to live. We cannot rely on the doctors or the hospitals and certainly not the pharmaceutical companies. A trustworthy pharmacist can be a great asset to have.
Low blood oxygen can be a cause of forgetfulness among other things. It was a relief to me to attend a BLF Education Day a couple of years ago, where I learned that that was one of the many ways COPD and other lung conditions can affect us, even at the mild stage (and I was diagnosed at moderate). My problem was forgetting things that people told me about appointments etc. I now use a diary and a wall calendar to keep me and my husband up to date with what I am meant to do. He reminds me of things all the time, which I thank him for (even if I had remembered them myself). I am very grateful for his support.
Thank you to all the above contributors - now that explains a lot - I will have to start doing really complicated jigsaw puzzles - and erm - umm - oh yes stay out of hospital ....
Yes Usgang - memory loss is definitely to do with being hospitalized - as is low blood oxygen - I suffered internal damage during a botched anaesthesia some years ago and noticed I was not 'as on the ball' as I used to be and then was hospitalised for a week last year after a cat bite and that really has affected me - write lots of notes and use diaries - use LARGE writing pads so that you can't forget where you put down those scraps of paper .......