In getting bad anxiety and panic attacks can't seem to find why I've no worries but everything becomes a problem it's very unpleasant it affects my breathing witch is not good at best of times could it be copd drugs anyone else experience same.
Panic Attacks: In getting bad anxiety... - Lung Conditions C...
Panic Attacks

Aniexty and COPD go hand in hand.
Although there are plenty of methods to relieve anxiety, check YouTube.
Don’t be afraid to seek medical advice.
I take Lorazepam half tablet twice daily, there are others.
I also use Oramorph four times daily
Don’t suffer in silence, it can knock you back.
Hi Mel, if you have just started a new inhaler in the last few weeks it's possible they could be a cause of your anxiety. Elipta ecruse made me depressed after 2 weeks.
Relaxation exercises would help your with your anxiety and panic attacks. Breathing exercises are part of them so that would help.
Go and see your GP/respiratory nurse and explain your symptoms. Ask for a new inhaler and see if the anxiety disappears.
Take care
Sounds a very difficult time for you, Mel. So sorry. I agree with replies already given, but don’t know if you’re currently on Prednisone. It depresses me terribly sometimes and gives me the jitters too. On the notes in the pack, it says see your GP if you get very down, a known side effect. But I think breathing problems in general do cause anxiety episodes, laboured breathing seems to kick in the anxiety reflex in your brain. Try to do breathing exercises with meditation. Look back at Happy London’s posts....she gives some good links xx
i am on the same as stone on half half tablet twice a day and oramorph when needed makes a big differrence
Medication are very helpful for panic attacks. If I may, I would like to recommend a book for you, it helped me long ago when I suffered from horrible panic attacks...."Help and Hope For Your Nerves" by Claire was one of the most helpful books I ever read.
Claire weekes books! Saved my life over 30 years ago when I was in such a state of acute anxiety I thought I was going mad.... honestly I was in a bad way indeed....never found out what sparked it off either.....I still have all her books and the cassette tapes are brilliant too....anyone enduring this crippling condition needs to read these won't regret it.....all my sympathy and support....I can truly empathise.....if you've been there you can truly of luck xx
When I struggled with depression, one of the tools my mentor gave me, was to say when something went wrong, "This is not a problem, this is a challenge." It puts a different spin on the situation, and helps me rise to the occasion rather than wallow in self pity.
I use Lorazapam half a tablet sometimes before going to bed but when panic strikes unexpectedly I need something fast and pursed lip -abdominal breathing has been of great help. Learning what can trigger these attacks such as taking a shower was one of my issues then learning a strategy to deal with it. As Stone says it goes hand in hand with COPD. As soon as I recognize the warning sings of a panic attack I try to take action to avoid it or deal with it through breathing. For me I need to take back control or at least feel I am I control. I see it as just another aspect of this dreadful disease that we have to learn to mange. Best of luck.
hi are you sure there panic attacks as i get palpitations which my heart races and affects my breathing and have been told its my inhalers when i get one i just put my chin into my chest as though looking down and breathe in through your nose and out and this will calm your breathing
I have recently been changed onto Fostair inhaler from Incruse ellipter and now my anxiety has returned even although I am still taking Citalopram for the anxiety asked nurse and she said it is unlikely to be inhaler causing it so seeing doctor in 3 weeks time so find out will keep you posted