will my gp prescibe medication for my own bought nebuliser as everytime paramedics are called they nebulise me and most times it save a trip to hospital
andyrew: will my gp prescibe medication... - Lung Conditions C...
You can only ask, the majority of GPs are reluctant to prescribe home nebs unless absolutely necessary.
It's worth a try, my GP on instructions from the consultant, prescribes me Saline nebules. If you are unsuccessful, Amazon sell them quite cheaply,
cheers i just thought it would save them carting me off hospital
I doubt it. I asked at my GP surgery, there is a specialist COPD nurse there, she advised that an inhaler such as Ventolin (Salbutamol) is the same as used in a nebuliser but far more effective via the inhaler, especially with the extended tube.
The nebuliser will be used where there are concerns that the patient will not be able to use an inhaler properly, such as in an exacerbation.
I use my portable inhaler from Lidil (Sanitex) purely for inhalation of saline mixture ( From Amazon, not prescribed.) The review system is a good guide to which saline packs are used for nebulisers by the user comments on each product.
My copd nurse at the surgery referred me to respiratory nurse and she gave me one and the nebules no problem.
My respiratory team supplied my nebuliser and my gp prescribes my nebs. I do not take it until advised to by either hospital GP or nurses. I have been on four a day for the last month but expect to lower that over the next three weeks. Please check that you really are in need one before you purchase.
when you are given nebulised medication by the paramedics they are able to assess you at the time.
I do have a nebuliser but I only use it in an emergency and know now after many years when to get professional help. My local A and E is only five minutes away too.
why does GP reluctant to prescribe Nebulizers....is it bad to use on a normal basis?
I guess it depends on what condition you have and its severity and what you are nebulising. Many people with brnchiectasis have to nebulise isotonic saline 0.9% or hypertonic saline (which has to be assessed at the hospital before a GP would prescribe it), bronchodilators and following lung clearance some have to nebulise antibiotics on a daily basis.
Good on ya though not buying the neb until you know if your GP will prescribe.