Hi all not quite sure if this topic affects anyone else but here goes. I have asthma, bronchiectasis and emphysema and if I laugh I am racked with coughing a lot leading to being breathless and having to do clearance,feeling quite knackered after not to mention the toll it takes on my bladder so I will leave it at that .any responses most welcome
Laughing: Hi all not quite sure if this... - Lung Conditions C...

I would say join the club, coughs from laughing do cause an element of embarassing other problems. It's because we cannot control the bronchospasms that cause unpredictable coughs. The after effects of the uncontrolled cough are exhausting. I have been like this for years so sorry I don't have a magic answer for this problem. If you find a cure other than not laughing let me know Hope you had a nice Christmas with no coughs and maybe the new year will be better.
There are exercises you can do to try strength pen the bladder, loads on line if you look, and/or ask your doctor or specialist. I have bladder weakness a bit too, Tena pads help for me and exercise.
Please don't stop laughing it does do us good dispite the coughing . And it seems to help clear you mucus.
I always think the coughing I get from laughing is doing me good, getting gunk up from the bottom of the lungs that could otherwise stay and fester. I do pelvic floor exercises every morning to combat stress incontinence, and they have really helped.
Hello I was just reading your posts. I live with a family of comediennes. I'm also a funny gal. But limit my laughing as I know if it goes too far I can end up in ER. I rarely reply to anyone. I know your post is from months ago.
I was wondering how you are feeling these days?
Carry on laughing not working about the bladder control and doing ok thank you
Not worrying