On my walk home from my beautiful bus stop there's a small trail that leads down towards the Capilano River. It's so tranquil and beautiful. Unfortunately some of the homeless people from Vancouver come over and camp out there. Can't blame them the you is beautiful.
A little path : On my walk home from my... - Lung Conditions C...
A little path

Now that's my idea of heaven...
Lovely Lindy what part of the Capilano River Walking Trails are accessible by wheelchair and can you do the suspension bridge and the dam,see i have done my homework just for my favourite Bc lady xx
Well let me see now I can access it just up the road from me about a mile although I never do, and then I can access the view from the dam. But there are walking trails that are pretty wheelchair accessible alongside the river on the other side of this picture that lead right down to the Oceanside. If I can find a picture of the Oceanside I'll post it (Ambleside Beach.)
It is very beautiful Lindy, just don't go down there by yourself after dark
Lovely - looks like a nice place to go walking.
Beautiful, but looks like a good place to hide tigers and boas.
Ha ha thanks I think he needed to be set straight... Bengal! Watch out for tigers! Boas too 😂
Thank goodness there is a plus to being homeless, there but for the grace of god go I .
Yes! It is actually a perfect spot (if) you have to be without a home. It is by a river and within a clearing where a couple of old homes used to be. It can be terribly wet in the fall/ winter though.