Had the jab yesterday: Thank you... - Lung Conditions C...

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Had the jab yesterday

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
31 Replies

Thank you everyone for your concern and your comments just to let you all know everything seems to be okay had my job yesterday and 24 hours later no sort of bad things are happening. Yay!!! I need to trust you guys more haha

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Lindy-loo1949 profile image
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31 Replies
skischool profile image

Lindy-loo ye of little faith,i told you it would be a walk or in your case a wheel in the park and so it was,done for another year and protected against presumed viruses for the near future.Always trust me i am the light ha ha believe that and you are doomed lol x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Oh you old devil you

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

not so much of the old my dear,at 65-6 months i am but a spring chicken in the grander scale of things,but a chicken that is going to roost given that it is 00.15hrs bst good luck my lovely lady x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

You sound like a kid 🙂 "oh I'm six and a half". Well compared to me you are a kid haha

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

you are multi tasking on two posts and i am multi going to my bed in both until tomorrow my dear............skis and dead cat xx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

What do you mean I'm multitasking on two posts? What do you mean dead cat!?! Scruff's still with you please tell me it's true.

in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Scruffers will be fine ...i think skis just meant in a deep sleep xx

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Lindy,you have two posts running with comments on both so it gets a bit confusing when like me you are only 61/2 yrs old.Scruffy and i are fine you just get confused being on Vancouver o'clock while we are tucked up in bed almost lol...............skis and a just got up cat xx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

I don't know how that happened! I know! that time difference of 8 or so hours is a bit confusing but theres nothing we can do about that. I guess I read things as I see them. I reply as I see them.

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to Lindy-loo1949

It is 9 a. m here. I took 5 mg of morphine last night as my back is killing me in this new chair. Anyways my point is... I had an awesome sleep (I usually sleep 5 hrs. Per night it it's so frustrating!)

So let's stand up and cheer for good sleeps🕔

Vancouver weather is 🌨🌩

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

i am glad you had such an awesome sleep my lovely lady though knowing nothing about morphine dosages i am not sure if that is a lot or a little.regardless it appears to have done the trick and i hope your back is a little better today.here at 17.15 bst it is grey raining windy and getting dark in gloomy Manchester but my football team Chelsea won this p.m so i am a happy chappy lol x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Well so glad your team won! If your a happy chappy that's all that counts! I have a bit of morph. Sitting at bedside table and usually don't take it but it's for breakthrough pain relief. So glad I.had them there! Just split the pill in half (did not want to die in my sleep) and bingo! Just what I needed and no morning hang over like sleeping pills!😅

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

hello my lovely in Vancouver time.what plans for today x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Really nothing much. I am going through my groceries that I just got and of course I realize I'm overdoing it. So I'm going to chop up all my veggies and bag um so that they're there and already prepped. And ready to go. I am cooking a red Thai curry with butternut squash. Netflix has a great movie "the kite runner" do you have netflix? Anywho... the movie is an eye opener and I came away with more compassion and understanding of the situation in Afgahnistan. Sp?

What did you get up to? It's midnight where your at so unless you are a night owl you won't get this until tomorrow morning so I hope you and Scfuffy girl had a restful sleep.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

i like the sound of that Thai curry yummy with a nice rice?yes we have Netflix over here and i believe it is quite popular,i am not a big movie fan,though i do prefer drama if i watch a film and 'the kite runner'looks fairly interesting and i will check it out.yesterday was a nothing day and most of the uk enjoyed the remains of a storm called 'brian'so in good monty python tradition we have had the'life of brian day'.you will be fast asleep as it is now midday in a very grey Manchester.toodle pip xx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Boing! 5:11 a.m and was awake at 2:11!!! Hate those nights! Thai curry was just ok too mild! The spice out of a pkg just more convenient! I made it with quoinoa and ancient grains on the side. I do not eat meat for the most part and so I cooked up the grains which were yummy for protein. We have had 3 pretty signifigant storms to contend with, lots of rain... flooding and winds. I thouroughly dislike winter. So i stayed in and painted but being a bit of a perfectionist the paintings are in the bin. It helped pass the time though. ☺

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

i love spicy food though with all those grains you will be creating as much wind inside your house as outside.So is all that rain falling as snow on the ski hill.giving me itchy feet.what were you painting?x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Yes I saw between nods that the mountains got snow! As long as it stays up there I'm fine with that! Last winter I was pretty much home bound due to the white stuff! I cannot take the chair out when it is snowy and we had a rough winter last year!

Was painting flowers. I tried acrylics but much prefer watercolors.

Hope u are well and lungs are clear. A big snuggle to your girl Scruffy

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

Scuffy enjoyed the snuggle.now she is awake and tearing my carpet to pieces,hope the snow stays on the hill this year and you can get out and about more.wish i had some talents like you but i think i was the runt of the litter and other siblings grabbed them all.lol x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

You can learn to do anything that strikes your fancy on youtube. Theres many topics and tutorials on there. That's how I learned silversmithing and some tips as well regarding painting mostly acrylics as I had no idea about how to work with them. I do prefer watercolors tho...

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

the world is now your stage or in your case gallery so we must see end products to admire these new skills Lindy,goading you as normal i must stop this bullying lol x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Oh that's ok I am starting to understand your humor!

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

By the way there is documentries as well as movies on netflix. I assume you don't have it so I won't go into it. I like it due to zero commercials.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

you have me confused,we do have access to netflix and amazon prime and loads of other stuff for next to nothing prices it is just i need to be stapled into a chair if anything runs for more than an hour or my mind flirts off to other places like an impatient child am i lol x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Sorry I didn't think you had it as you said you weren't keen on movies...

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

i love a good film and there are thousands out there i am sure i would enjoy but i need to make the effort to set aside the time as i believe total absorption in one good film is better than browsing many.did you read the kite flyer book before seeing the film?if so how did they compare?x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

I read the book a few years back and liked it a lot but because of the passing of time I forgot a lot of the story. I knew the main story but there seemed to be a?lot of things I've forgotten or perhaps they added for the sake of the film. Any good Brit tv shows torecommend?

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Lindy-loo1949

there are zillions,to many to mention,but any bbc drama is normally worth checking out.we are very good on crime drama's relying more on intrigue than special effects,do you have access to the bbc i player ? x

Lindy-loo1949 profile image
Lindy-loo1949 in reply to skischool

Hi no I don't what is it?

sassy59 profile image

Glad the jab was ok Lindy-loo. Stay well. Xxxx

Lindy-loo1949 profile image

You too☺

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