Watching London just days ago and now USA. 400 plus injured and over 50 dead by a gunman,he's dead. Crazy lone wolf stuff!
Largest USA massacre in Las Vegas - Lung Conditions C...
Largest USA massacre in Las Vegas

In my mind what is wrong with America is the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms and in what theatre of conflict is this laid out that being when and where it is right to bear arms, I have a few American friends who misread this amendment but it is up to Congress to ratify this Amendment. Meanwhile, my heart and thoughts go to all who have lost someone.

People here feel very strong on both sides of the rights to bear arms,or not. Most want the right. It would have happened any ways I think. Just sad. Its everywhere!
Such a terrible thing to happen Lin. My heart goes out to all the poor people affected. So sad. Xxxx
Such a sad loss of once again innocent lives. My heart goes out to the families and friends of all the victims. So many miles between us Lin but unfortunately such wickedness exists everywhere.. You take care and hope your doing good xxx Mel x
Such a terrible sight. It is far from me,but my son in law and father went there not that long ago. They stayed at that very place. Just heart breaking. Its happening everywhere. This are largest,yet it wasn't that long ago we were saying this about Orlando,and other places as in Europe. Take care Mel.
Awful isn't it. My heart goes out to those poor souls involved and their families.
Terrible and tragic all those innocents...its just been saying on the news need a license for fishing driving etc but not a gun feel for lifes lost and their families xxxx god bless Lin xxx
How very different our society's are.In America you can walk into Walmart and take up on a 2 for 1 gun offer yet here in the UK you can not buy more than 2 packets of pain relievers.A very complex problem resolving personal freedom to make choices.i think i prefer to suffer the pain rather than the bullet.Every one to their own,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,skis and cat not needing bullet proof vest yet? xx
That is not to say that i do not sympathise and feel the pain for the innocent lives lost today.
I guess its how we grew up. My family hunts other than that guns are locked up. But i agree our laws need to change but we do not want to be able to be taken over by terrorist. Its the only thing I can say since years ago when terrorist began we have seen drastic changes in our country. Some are subtle,some definitely defiance. People taking advantage of our rights. Its like people have no conscience or morals. Do not think my friends we are all crazy cause of our rights. Things are evil out there ski cat. No one here wants to wear a vest yet or be a pistol loaded in my purse kinda women. But there are alot of states like Texas for example they wear them out. Like cowboys still. It also depends where you live. People killing old people for money and drugs. I sleep with a knife under my pillow and under my chair. I am not with a gun,more like a steak knife. Thank you for your reply,it makes me wonder more about guns,thats for sure.
My best mate Melley who lives in Charlotte north Carolina is in the opt out club of gun ownership and his state has similar problems so it is down to the power of you good guys to lobby for the amount of gun and weapon control you all think appropriate,with your new boss in charge it would appear that the status quo will prevail at the wishes skis and gun free,tablet free cat xx
I have heard the gun lobby is very strong over there and keeps blocking amendments to the gun laws. It's a hangover from the old American pioneer spirit I guess.
I would hate to live in a country with liberal gun laws and thank goodness I don't. As far as terroists go we do have a branch of the police who are armed and expert marksmen who deal with them. x
Sorry skischool and cat ha ha. I like your name. Do you ski? I use to water ski,never snow skied
No one can read the mind of someone who goes out deliberately to kill or wound another person or animal. What miserabilty brought to the victims families and friends for no purpose whatsoever. In time of war, guns etc are unfortunately necessary for defense of country from oppressor, but today- you would think people had learnt from history. Our thoughts and wishes must be with those left behind who have to pick up the pieces of their lives.
Yes we have to pray and ask God to bring these people comfort. To help them exsist without their love ones. It be so hard. I Its not the guns,its the evil behind it. This would of happened regardless as one person stated to me,he was wealthy and would have found a way without a gun license. Our news is nothing but destructiln everywhere. But in the midst,there are the good people trying to help so many people in our states recovering from sooo much,plus we are helping other countries. This nut ball disgustingly cowardly shot innocent people then his coward butt killed himself. Our gun laws stuff is all over our news for reform. We have long lines of people donating blood for the victims of las vegas. God Bless America,my home SWEET HOME! 59 killed 527 injured largest,besides 9/11. Its awful.
Sorry but one can not buy a gun here without a license. Yes you are supposed to have a license to drive or fish. Yet many do so illegally. So far I have not seen a single proposed law that would stop some nut from doing what that $&@&$) did in Las Vegas. I am not a cop but do legally carry a gun for the protection of myself and those around me when some deranged idiot goes off the rails and tries to do harm to others. Criminals do not obey the law. I am sick about what happened but no law would have prevented it. This guy was a very wealthy man who could have gotten the guns no matter the law. Sorry for the rant, but it's personal for me.
Yes very sad and these 2 are From right here in my town
Wow! How awful you mean you live there by them?
Yes they grew up here in my town they are a young couple with a little baby, The husband got shot in the head and his wife laid on top of him and then she got shot we are all praying that they make it
I wondered what that was and thought it must be picture. My thoughts and prayers to them and you. Its so terrible. Watched coverage today beside being gone a while. The evening news was more informative,but with sad news sick news person was a coward and evil,and in hell burning for etrrnity renaluna.
The home of the brave and the land of the free. But full of gun toting people wanting to rule the world.
BUT it would be illegal to own them is the point I would make. What sort of society thinks gun owning is a sensible option?
And what sort of person wants to carry one about with them? But if the killing of 20 small children at Sandy Hook didn't make Americans want more gun control, nothing will.

Yeah we are all killers over here da!!! : Γ It was evil. It can happen anhwhere. Evil lives over there too. Ya think theres no guns there or automatic weapons? Wow. Money can buy anything,terrorist have connections. Evil lives all over the world.If something crazy happens over there do youblame the government? I do not get it all. Its sick no matter where what or how people get mass murdered by terrorist. I don't have all the answers but i do think God does. Last I checked I just prayed to Him.
And with God on our side, we'll stop the next war. Let's hope so Bob.
I don't know about that Dave, given there are about 15 wars going on across the world at the moment π