Hi,just wondered if anyone is or has had this before.i do not have a feeling or urge to pee,I have to go every now and then just to see but if I'm distracted for a length of time I get excruciating pains in my chest.any help anyone.
No signs that I need a pee: Hi,just... - Lung Conditions C...
No signs that I need a pee

i would defo get checked out as you could be holding water retention....had it once but i had a prolaspe and my pessary had lodged on bladder....you really need too see a doctor goodluck itsso nerve rattling awful feeling aswell...as panic can set. in....But still drink plenty as i was advised too....
I think you should get checked out, maybe a trip to A+E. You shouldn't risk not being able to pee
I had a similar thing a few years ago, I was only passing small amount when I did pee. I ended up going to the Urology department who carried out an ultrasound and found I was retaining a litre of urine. I had a pressure test on my bladder and it was found that I had no pressure from my bladder . The outcome was that I have to self catheterise 4 times a day. iv not had any problems since apart from having bladder stones which required removal via an endoscopy. if I was you Id get and see my GP and get a referral to the Urology department.
I'm another one who has to self catheterize at least 4 times a day due to chronic urinary retention. I retain 2 litres of urine and in my case it is due to nerve damage attributed to an old back injury, I suffer from degenerative disc disease as a result of this injury.
Make sure you never wait that long...ever! Urine will back up to the kidneys causing infection, stones or worse! You may want to see a uerologist. My bladder just stopped back in 2000 due to M.S. The doc will test you out. Do you have any nerological issues? I really hope you get to the bottom of it!🤤You don't want to be backed up like this guy! Teehee
Perhaps you should see a dr! Or go to emerg. That does not sound very good to me. They maybe we'll put you on a monitor just to see if your heart is doing okay ... where about's is the pain left side or right side?