hi I've had copd all my life im 55 now and getting worse by the day just brought a salt pip praying that it would help now joy so far just a nasty taste in my mouth any one the same
copd: hi I've had copd all my life im... - Lung Conditions C...

you sure its copd you had all your life.
well asthma first . now I can only walk about 10 feet with out getting out off breath im on a big does of prednisolone. witch as put me a lot of wait on. any idea's I've tried everything just wounded ? thanks for your reply
hi Antony, ok now i can understand what you ment by all your life.. theres many members on here that have had asthma from a very young age and later in there lives diagnosed with Copd,
i have asthma and copd and its not an easy thing to live with so i feel for you and hope you soon.
i know from when i was on prednisolon it made me eat a lot more then i had ever eaten before in my life and i had to put a lot of effect into getting back to my normal weight.
i think if i was you and was stragling to walk 10 feet id be on the phone for a ambulance .
I've only just come out off hospital after being a coma for two weeks I spent 3 months in there I have the nurses come every day I now the is not much they can do for me tried it all but I still live in hope you never now

Hi Antony, I have a salt pipe and when first bought last year, used for short while then stopped as didn't see much difference. THEN, I walked into local health shop to get some arneca tablets, (I use instead of anti inflammatories as they make my chest bad) and was very breathless. Very knowledgeable owner after being informed of my severe COPD asked if I had a salt pipe, I said yes and he said 'you don't use it'!! I got it out again and started using for at least 15mins daily since August and I've noticed a difference AND I'm informed my snoring is much reduced.
Please persevere and good luck.
I swear by my Salt Pipe, I break up the 15 mins a day, Morning before I do my Sats, evening before I take my Inhalers, makes it easier to "Puff" at the inhalers, I feel better for taking the Salt pipe, I'm also on the List for Double Lung Transplant. Good Luck Antony, Persevere with the pipe. x
hi and thank you for your advise. I hope you get your operation soon and your life turns around for the best all the luck in the world Antony x

Thank you Antony, I hope you get better soon and give the salt pipe a try and of course Breathing Exercises will help a lot. xxx
Morning welcome to the site...sorry you are having a real rough time of things I hope you can find something to help improve your situation and get some quality back in your life best wishes to you Angie xxx
hi its only me thank you for your very kind words. it means so much to me. can only do what I can live the dream. breath the top of the mounting I wished xx
Give it a try,a lot of people use it,I've just got fine Himalayan rock salt to make saline nasal wash as I get sinus ,throat and mouth infections using fostair,spiolto inhalers good luck,..alan
is every one OK hope so xx to you all
don't think im going to bother again now one reply's bless ya all xx
thanks levina I will just don't like the taste. don't need to put salt on my chips anymore xx