I had a penomonia and infolonza infection 8 weak ago I had really bad pain I my hole body and felling faint all day but nothing happen does any one know what to do I got to little boys when ever I go to drop them off to school it's make me really worry
Aftab1: I had a penomonia and infolonza... - Lung Conditions C...

What medication were you given. Ask GP for pneumonia and flu jabs. The flu jab you should have every year and the pneumonia jab is once and should last for 10 year. If you have lung problems.
I was hospitalised for there days I had antibiotics for 5 days finish all the courses but I'm still having really bad pain and headache I phoned doctor they said all the reports fine they can't do anymore
I had pneumonia last November was in hospital for three days my sats stayed high 94 and above. Was given abs and introvinas abs and pain killers. Then sent home with more abs and painkillers. Five days worth. Went for a chest X-ray in December and my chest was clear. Then two weeks later came down with another bug. I would go back to your GP you maybe coming down with something else. Take care
But how long take to get better from penomonia
Everyone is different some take longer than others. If your not happy go back to your GP.
That's a rubbish try to get a doctors appointment preferably someone who deals with chest complaints if they see you they can decide how you are breathing, if you are sweating etc. It's impossible over the phone to make those decisions.
Good luck
I fell so weak and chest pain doctors said it's normal
So sorry you still feeling poorly. There have been some really nasty bugs & infections around this year ! Try & eat very healthy stuff and keep hydrated with lots of water to build up your immune system. But if chest pains still there worth getting checked again. It could be muscle pain if you had bad cough though All the best
I don't have cough but doctor said stomach problem but my pain doesn't come with the food it always there
The 'heartburn' could be acid reflux which can happen even w hen the stomach is empty and you're very stressed. You could try some Gaviscon and if that makes no difference then back to the GP and tell him/her.
I'm very surprised you had only 5 days of antibiotics, in fact I'd go as far as to say that's shocking. I've had pneumonia a few times and always had at least 7 days, often a second or third course. It usually took three months to get over but we're all different. I think you should get a second opinion from another doctor - urgently if your temperature goes up.
You could also ring the helpline, 03000 030555, UK office hours. The experts could give you guidance on how to get help.
Drink plenty of fluids, eat healthily, perhaps take a tonic and vitamins until you recover. Good luck