i'm just 27 with emphysema , how long... - Lung Conditions C...

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i'm just 27 with emphysema , how long can i live? need help please

mdr-syd profile image
45 Replies

I am 27 years old , i was diagnosed with emphysema about 1 year ago , I smoked since 9 years ago ,i immediately quit smoking ,now I just feel a little short breath

my FEV1 is 91%

my FVC is 98%

my FEV1/ FVC is 95%

My health is very good and I go to the gym every day for 5 years ago

I am engaged and but i'm afraid to marry because that disease and because I read in the website the life expectancy for someone diagnosed with emphysema is just five years !!

someone here can help and tell me about his experience with emphysema and how long you had diagnosed with emphysema ???

and is it true that I will only live 3-5 years ???

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mdr-syd profile image
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45 Replies
Damon1864 profile image

Don't take notice of what you research on the web, you are doing everything you should be. Exercise and healthy diet is really good, and not sinking is great. You go ahead and get married you will live a long time if you keep on doing exactly what you are now. Please don't look things up on the internet unless it's a site like this or an NHS site. You take care, and please keep posting. Love Bernadette 😳 xxx

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Damon1864

thx pro

dwitt profile image
dwitt in reply to Damon1864

I think U wrote a great reply. I could only add take your medication like clock work. Definetly excercise so you can get the most out of the lung capacity you do have left AND YOU NEVER CAN TELL WHEN OR WHERE STEM CELL TECHNOLOGHY WILL BE KNOCKING DOWN YOUR DOOR. I am 70 with a host of diseases and numerous operations many of my friends are long gone - don't give up hope and don't fear changing doctors - many coctors just become complacent and you need one who is aggressive

Pantani profile image

I was first diagnosed with COPD in 2004 and I'm still around , I also smoked but foolishly didn't give up until 2 years ago. if you exercise and eat a heathy diet there is no reason you wont live a normal life and for a lot longer than 5 years. You sound as if you've given into COPD already, don't let it beat you,.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Pantani

i will , thx ❤️

peege profile image

27 is very young to be dx with copd. Ask for the alpha-1 deficiency test - a simple finger pick for bloods. Is a genetic thing. And don't panic! Many live long, happy and productive lives.

You've done the best thing by stopping smoking. P

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to peege

i just do test breath , my fev1/fvc is 95% and i do ct scan

my doctor told me its early and good

i will ask my doctor about alpha 1

thank you ❤️

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to mdr-syd

Hi mdr-syd I was diagnosed with COPD when I was 50 (12 years ago) I stopped smoking 20 cigs a day. Did everything that was suggested exercise, eating well etc. When I was 60 (2 years ago) I was diagnosed with Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and given a 3-5 years left. I'm still here, yes I do have to sometimes go onto hospital because of chest infections, at the moment I'm in with pneumonia in my right lung. Been in 5 nights but Feeling much better now I'm having intravenous antibiotics and oral antibiotics etc. . I know I am improving and I know I'm having the best care possible. Stay positive ignore the 3-5 years, everyone is different, keep exercising as much as possible and go restart classes if it's suggested. Today might get be a bad day but tomorrow maybe a much better day. Keep smiling 😁

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Jummie

I wish you good health and long life

thank you very much ❤️

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Jummie

Remember stay positive keep smiling and if you have a bad day, tomorrow will be a different but hopefully a much better day. x

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Jummie

ok , i remember that 😌😄

Magpuss profile image

The next best thing for you to do is - stop worrying. There's a lot of scary rubbish on the Internet so just ignore what you've read and enjoy life without the ciggies, and the worry.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Magpuss

I will do , but I just want to hear the experiences of people with emphysema and how many years they had diagnosed with emphysema

Lisalooo profile image
Lisalooo in reply to mdr-syd

My Mum was diagnosed when I was 18, I am 30 and she is still going strong! Her condition is a lot worse than yours however she is still fairly active and loving life. Don’t let the disease stand in your way 😊

weejocky profile image
weejocky in reply to mdr-syd

I have had emphysema since I was 55 iam now 66 was a heavy smoker gave them up 10 year ago but last few years it takes 3 lots af tablets and steroids to get rid of chest inf good days and not so good days

2greys profile image

If you are a rock star, dedicated to abusing your body in every possible way, it's possible, alternatively throwing yourself under a bus would work.

As others have said, go ahead get married and also look forward to babysitting your grandchildren. Look after your body and it will look after you.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to 2greys


newlands profile image

Welcome ,we are all different in our symptoms, and lots on here are very knowledgeable and will help you

You get married ,enjoy life to the full,you have lots of years in you

Take care


mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to newlands


Hi I didn't know a fev1 of 95% was copd as I thought this was just a variation of the norm? I thought mild was 80-89%. As the others have said though you still have a very long and active life ahead of you. Don't read or believe scare stories on the net.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to

my fev1 is 91%

and my fvc is 98%

so my fev1/fvc is 95%

in reply to mdr-syd

Well like I said 91% is just a variation of the norm. It is possible you have some background changes to your lungs which would account for the diagnosis. It is very mild so take the advice you have been given and you will be fine.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to


Pantani profile image

Was your diagnosis based purely on your spirometry results, or have you also had x .rays and a CT scan. You cant diagnose Emphysema with just spirometry results.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Pantani

i had CT scan and breath test and blood analysis

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to mdr-syd

about 1 year ago ihad a short breath just when i go to the gym and I had a dry cough ,

i go to the doctor first i do just x ray doctor though that's asthma and after 2 months i back to him He asked me ct scan and Blood analysis and breath test after that he told me i have emphysema and he Explain me about this disease

Caspiana profile image

Hello mdr-syd . Please don't Google. What you read will not be your outcome. Everyone's disease progression is different. Your FEV is extraordinarily good. I doubt very much that you will be going anywhere within three to five years. You are in general good health and you are taking care of yourself it seems. Very well done. Take this as a wake up call. Marry the person you love, live the life you want, go to the places you want to visit, take the challenges before you. Don't let your diagnosis impede your happiness.

Wishing you all the very best.

Cas xx 🍀

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Caspiana

thx 😌❤️

gingermusic profile image

Absolute rubbish about how long you may live, the most important thing was to quit the smoking which you have done. I was first diagnosed with Emphysema some 28 years ago and I am still alive so do please just keep up the exercise, eat as healthily as you can and please do get married and enjoy your life, its there for living and you have everything to live for.

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to gingermusic

Really you had emphysema 28 years ago!!

suej2251961 profile image

hi I too got digagnosed with this 3 months ago it really means we have copd but I'm still smoking so you will be ok I promise but I have not done as I should have so it will be game over for me if I don't stop I carnt stop I have just lost my dad and me son is in jail so I'm a bit down so you be happy it could be sooooo much worse my friend good luck I'm also on my own so you should really be happy you have a nice life see ya freind

Judith41 profile image
Judith41 in reply to suej2251961

Bless you Sue. Hope things soon improve xx

Alauralane profile image
Alauralane in reply to suej2251961

Sue sounds like you are really up against it, can you get help from your doctor with the stopping smoking? and are there any support networks that could help you with the recent loss of your father, and with your son being in jail? Stay strong. (It sounds as though you are having to).x

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to suej2251961

There's a viable alternative out there, why not try it? E-cigs saved my life because, like you, I just could not quit no matter what I tried it just didn't work. Gum, patch even hypnosis - I was a confirmed smoker of 60+ years, a pack a day at least. I got my first e-cig in 2010 and have never smoked a cigarette since then. All the pleasure and none of the tar and chemicals - what's not to like?

Alauralane profile image

Hello there, Did they do the reversibility second spirometry test? I failed the first one but after bronchial meds (Ventolin) that open your airways In asthma I passed and got a normal result, showing that my current symptoms are asthma not emphysema related. if you DO NOT smoke look after yourself and take the medications you are given you should live a long and full life with your lung function decline being that of the normal aging process, please stay away from Google and stay on sites like this, and get clarification of what this diagnosis actually means for you from your doctor. Marry the love of your life and look forward to everything you was before. All the very best.

lKeith profile image


You sound pretty fit to me. Do not believe everything you read on the net most of it just frightens you. Listen to the people on this forum who have this disease for many years, have exceded by miles the silly forecast on the net and have grown to live/adjust with it. At your age you have plenty of time, you cannot pass it on to children, keep them off the cigs etc & keep off them yourself. Keep fit eat well you will live to a good old age.


mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to lKeith

thx for your comment ❤️

Catfinger77 profile image

I smoked for 32 years, quit in 1997. Since then, I always felt fine, exercised moderately, ate right. Did not even think about my breathing until I was diagnosed with emphysema last year after a routine CT scan. My point is I think I probably had emphysema long before I quit smoking, and just didn't know it. Now I'm 68 with FEV1 at 43% and 50% with bronchodilators. I don't need O2 yet, but probably will at some point. If you hadn't gotten diagnosed, you would have gone on about your life for decades without knowing about your condition, so there is a good chance you can live a normal lifespan and good chance there will be more treatments available as you get older. No reason not to get married, I would think, whether you have Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency or not. Good luck!

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to Catfinger77

i will ask my doctor about alpha1 when i going to the doctor next month

thx for comment ❤️

Sheilab123 profile image

Hi mdr you go ahead and do all the things you want to do,including marriage! and that should last years. I was diagnosed about ten yrs ago, and though on oxygen (some people never need it) 24/7 it doesn't stop me doing anything, and I intend to be around for many years yet. You have had some good replies, take the advice and so should you. Excluding Dr Google! 3 to 5 yrs??? Absolute nonsense!! Xx

Sheilab123 profile image

Oh err sorry I can't remember! Xx

MelAidJack profile image

Hi 27 is very young and must have been a great shock for you. You need to look at the half full glass now think of the positive things you do and look to see if there is anything else you can do to help keep you healthy. But it seems you are doing what you need to do so try and put it at the back of your mind and make happy memories and enjoy your life x

Burghy profile image

I was a heavy smoker and had trouble giving up but went to a top smoking campaign it was so easy. The first day of the diet was water and fruit juice. The next was just veg and fruit juice then some veg was introduced third day but mainly juice and water this was five days. No sitting in favourite chairs eating out, or parties no coffee or tea all triggers. I have never smoked again and that was 40 years ago.

redtrail profile image

i was diagnosed with emphysema about 12 years ago I'm 72 now, still work full time ,my fev1 hasn't changed in the last 5 years still 48%.thats due to keeping fit I also go down the gym mainly when I fine its to cold for cycling do 50 miles most weeks after work and Sunday .what I'm saying to you keep your self fit and enjoy life, think positive get married don't worry

mdr-syd profile image
mdr-syd in reply to redtrail

thx ❤️😌

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