I was wondering if anyone had this happen to them! Due for surgery on 14/7. Late yesterday afternoon I received a call from the Sister who gave me my pre-assessment to inform me that the op can't take place due to anaesthetist. I've rang around the orthopeadic cons sec...she was aware it had been cancelled but couldn't explain much apart from the anaesthetist wasn't happy with my lung function test. Rang my Respuratory cons sec, she thinks it might be because my lungs collapsed after surgery in Jan and breathing tests. I was told this is quite common but scary. Next day I developed a chest infection which lasted months. Just so worried that nobody seems to think of phoning me or writing to me to explain the actual reasons. I think I've a right to have it explained to me, at least, if anything happened to me requiring surgery in an emergency and at a different hosp my family could inform them. Do they not think patients worry and get stressed about their lungs. Sorry to of gone on
Refused a general anaesetic - Lung Conditions C...
Refused a general anaesetic

Hi Maggie, someone should have given you an explanation but l will say that Pete never has a general anaesthetic because of his lung problems.
What was the surgery you were due to have? Pete usually has an epidural and sedation but is never out fully. Xxxx
Hi sassy I've been in the phone all morning trying to find out why!!! I've rang the orthopeadic cons sec, my Respuratory con sec and just spoken to anaesthetist sec. Not one of them could actually give me a answer as to why. What has shown up. You're left worrying hopefully for nothing. I can't gave epidural due to curvature if the spine.
Thanks x
I think that you have been told why.
You said "I've rang around the orthopeadic cons sec...she was aware it had been cancelled but couldn't explain much apart from the anaesthetist wasn't happy with my lung function test. Rang my Respuratory cons sec, she thinks it might be because my lungs collapsed after surgery in Jan and breathing tests.".
The reason why you will not be given a general anaesthetic is that it is too risky.
An Anaethetists rang me and apparently my lung function test was not looked at. The con said the con made the decision on previous op and hadn't checked results. So op can go ahead, thankfully. Also my Respuratory con rang me, he was cross because they've made a decision without contacting him as arranged.
Hi I have gallstones and they won't remove them due to my lung function. I am stage 3 with 40% lung function.
Op can go ahead as lung function test was ok for a ga, thank god. It's wrong a nurse from preassessment calling a patient but can't give reason. I'm happy that my Respiratory rang me although he was cross as they were meant to call him for ok. I'm glad it's been sorted. Thank you I'm sorry you're suffering.
Can understand anaesthetist, I had a general and couldn't come round, came over all shivery, couldn't speak and thought I was on the way out. They wrapped me in foil to get temp up and then monitored me for 24 hours. I made it through but the nursing staff including the anaesthetist were worried. Next time I went for surgery they would only do it under a local. They did explain the reason but only when I visited for a pre-op. No phone call or letter. You have my sympathy but better you are around to make a noise about it. Try contacting your local PALS office they may get further than you.
Thanks lkeith. I will contact PALS. When I go in I will ask the anaethetist all the questions necessary.
Hi Maggie,
Due my heart condition I had to have an epidural instead of anaesthetic for a hernia repair op. I don't know what procedure you're due to have but maybe that might suit you.
Hi Maggie hope you get sorted. After tests in May which I thought was negative it was shown to be a rare ductile cancer in a breast which does not respond to normal cancer treatments ,chemo, hormone tablets etc.. I too was considered at high risk for surgery under general anaesthetic and offered a mastectomy under local instead as my only option. I agreed and the op took place yesterday . It wasn't completely pain free but grateful to my consultant who did a great job. Will have to have check ups at a McMillan cancer unit where I see a nurse who is looking after me. Am sure they should have explained everything to you as the did me. Good luck hope you will soon be well
Joyce I do wish and hope you make a full and complete recovery. I'm glad you had a good consultant who explained everything and understood your worries. I've had to phone and express my concerns that I need to know if there is a major problem with my breathing as I'd need to wear something if I'm NOT allowed a ga!! It turns out I'm allowed a ga but not for long major surgery. As I'll only be under for 1 1/2 hrs they're allowing it saying I'll be ok. Please god I will be.
Anyway Joyce rest up and I sincerely wish you a quick and full recovery and cure from that dreadful disease.
Thank you for messaging me.
His bless
I was due for surgery in the coming weeks, I a have been told I have to go for more tests ect to improve my lungs before they will perform any surgery that involves anesthesic, it's to do with insurance I am sure.

I hope the tests prove your ok for surgery Mick63. Good luck.
Hello Maggie153 .
Yes. They should explain the decision to you. I am also told I cannot be under local anesthetic because my lungs are not strong enough. The only time I will be under is when and if I get my lung transplant. There is a risk it seems that I may not regain consciousness or have to be placed on a ventilator. Of course these are the reasons given to me and not necessarily applicable to you.
Don't worry about going on. We all do it sometimes. Take good care.
Cas xx
Hi Caspiana I know but at times I think they actually avoid telling you the whole truth...whether it's to stop you worrying...you do though.
I've got told different things by different Drs. I'm going by my lung consultant who knows my lungs, he said I'm ok to have it done. Some anaethetist rang and said the previous anaethetist dr had gone by previous bites and not my lung function results.
Anyway thank you for your best wishes and good luck to you. Take care xx