I was just told im precopd I was just wonder from the time you were told and in what stage how long between stages ....
Stages of COPD : I was just told im... - Lung Conditions C...
Stages of COPD

There is no definitive answer to your question as every person progresses at their own rate and so many variables can have an affect on how slowly or quickly the disease progresses. Someone who exercises, stays away from all pollutants, eats healthily and follows a good health regime can substantially slow the progress whereas someone who goes on smoking, doesn't exercise, etc will naturally progress much quicker. But even then there are other variables, some need oxygen, many don't. Some get a lot of relief from medications, some don't. Some get numerous infections, some rarely do. Some have other serious health issues, some don't. Do you see what I mean? Rather than dwelling on timescales you would be much better off working to minimise the effects and stay as healthy as you can.
I was dx in 2006 with COPD. But can't remember what stage I was at. At the moment I am Clinically stage 2 but my symptoms are stage 3 and I don't have an infection at the moment. But my consultant dosnt go by the stages. As everyone is different.
No idea about stages Clamdigger, Pete has the chronic bronchitis part of COPD and is living well with that and sarcoidosis.
Take care xxxxx
I was diagnosed at stage 3, I have no idea how fast it will decline with me, I don't really think about it anymore. I just knuckle down and do what I can to improve my lifestyle. To me, it is what it is and nothing is going to change that, but I can try and delay any progression as much as I can.
I have already improved my lung function and the circulation in my legs through exercise and enjoying the new found freedom of mobility once more, something I had thought I'd lost for good. No matter what stage you get diagnosed then I would still recommend exercising for all sorts of reasons not just COPD.
The only option you have is to accept that your life has changed and to move forward with it. The stages are really meaningless anyway we are all different it is all about how you feel.
Hi Clamdiigger
I think Mrs Mummy got it right we're all different, try not to get to concerned about labels. Healthy diet avoid pollutants especially smoking, breathing exercises, there are lots on YouTube. & I'm sure someone said the blf produce a video. Also exercise Good luck Nan
Have to say Clamdigger I do not know what pre COPD is. I have never been staged, my records state I have mild COPD but I have never been reassessed since diagnosis some eight years ago, so obviously staging does not matter too much and could change overnight if you get a bad flare up, concentrating on what is best for your condition seems to work well for most people. Oh also I have remained at the same level of health for a long time with only a few flare ups requiring extra treatment, so there is no golden rule for how slow or fast one might deterriorate as already mentioned.
Pre copd is a new one to me xx