All weekend and today I have been helping paint my mam,s new flat. Go to the hospital to see my friend. Today I'm now sitting at home with no energy, breathing is laboured. I have took my Sabutmol 3 times, and its making no difference. The one I take 12 hourly, can I take an extra dose. I've also got some pain in my chest, between my chest. Should I be concerned.
Question to ask.: All weekend and today... - Lung Conditions C...
Question to ask.

The painting probably not a good idea for such a long duration. I would not advice extra long acting medication.
Stay in or near fresh air, if no improvement a trip to GP may be in order.
Seems like more than a coincidence Sonsafc. People vary in their sensitivity to paint fumes. Always best to use the very low VOC ones in a well ventilated space. I agree probably best not to take more of your long acting med. See your GP if this doesnt pass but breathing exercises may help - worth trying anyway in as clean air as possible.
If it is fostrair than yes as i have to take 2 morning and 2 night but some time i take 2 inbeteen did tell the doc he said that is ok but not to do it all the time
You have overdone things and probably the paint fumes haven't helped. See how you feel and you may need to see GP. Xxxxx
The pain in the chest is probably purely down to using muscles, you don't use often and it has strained them.
Give it a day or two and if it doesn't improve, see your GP. xx
Thx everyone for your reply,s. I went to bed for two hours. On getting up the pain in chest as gone. For now anyway. I gave the hospital a miss as had no energy. I think most of you are correct in that I've overdone things. On awaking this morning, after 5hrs sleep, the chest pain is minimal, breathing still a little laboured. Anxiety not as bad. I wonder what today will be. I can not rest up, as I have to accompany my mother to sign her new tenacy ( she is first line dementia) finish last of painting, get update on my friend Lynne. She may be coming home today, when I will be helping with her care. I've still got ESA and PIP to sort out as well as appeal. Oh, and I shouldn't forget my own housework and meals to do. When reading this back, no wonder I'm stressed, knackered, and tired. I hope to see my grandchildren, with their Easter presents as I have not seen them for days now. They will lighten my load, I love them loads. Hope everyone of you have a relaxing day, with no stress. Thank you for listening.
And breath lol you haven't stopped I hope you get through today without too many problems feet up for a little while with a cuppa before you begin xxxxx
Exactly what I'm doing at the minute Angiecbr. Going to bathe, get dressed and walk my poor Chihuahua Hollie before the games begin. Will be using my whistle breathing exercise today. Also, wearing an industrial mask to finish painting. Thx for your reply. Hope you have a good day too.