just want to say hope everyone doing well and start rehab in a few hours another night of not sleeping should become a vampire lol take care xox loretta
Hello: just want to say hope everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
I know that vampire feeling. Interesting tho' when I told the consultant I had become a vampire and was likely to bite easily, he did not even chuckle!!! Hang in there, when you get that good nights sleep it will be glorious, I have had to endure weeks of vampirism/ veering into zombie territory . Luckily things are okay for me at present. All I can say is it is better to get up and bake a cake or something rather than stress over it.
How could your Consultant not chuckle at that, made me laugh out load! xxx
Well I thought it was quite humorous. But I get told off for not taking my lung problem seriously enough!! I think life is too short to start limiting yourself. I try to do everything I possibly can, and sometimes I pay the price and get told off by the doctors.
Good luck with Rehab. It can make such a difference.
Easy Lorette! Your new rehab companions will need to hang on to all their blood. Good luck today, with a bit of luck you might start sleeping better, exercise is helpful for that. Take care.
Don't you find it annoying that you can find so much energy to think in the middle of the night but it has gone away by the morning?!! I've been awake since 5.00 am thanks to the dawn chorus, and had all sorts of things running around in my mind - none of them important! Mad, isn't it? I blame prednisilone at the moment.
Hope your rehab goes well for you and helps you sleep tonight. xx Moy
Hope you enjoy rehab I been awake since 1am so know what it's like to be a vampire best of luck today x
Good luck with the rehab, hope you enjoy it 😊 xx
I know the not sleeping feeling I am getting about 2 hours sleep before waking up in pain.
Enjoy your rehab I got so much out of mine
I felt like I needed to bite the physio to get some of his blood and push my energy levels up..... Somehow I don't think that would of went down too good lol rehab went good although I genuinely didn't realise how unfit I was. Or the fact that I've let this copd take over my life so much that I had stopped walking having fun and just enjoying life. New me is definitely gonna try and stop feeling sorry for myself live life have fun and enjoy every day no matter how ill or bad I feel. Go go go fresh air I'm coming for u lol xox hope everyone doing good loretta
Good luck with rehab. It's a wonderful thing