Dont understand,had my yearly check up yesterday.Quit smoking 14 months ago when I was diagnosed,I was told then that I had mild copd.Stopped smoking,did a lot more exercise,and my spirometry reading has gone down from 67 to 62.Iam not on any medication and do not feel any worse than I did,in fact I think I am fitter than I was.Can anyone explain.The only bad thing is I have put on about 7 lbs in weight but my BMI is still in the ok range-24.7.
PLEASE EXPLAIN: Dont understand,had my... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi sorry but have no idea why its dropped ask your doctor or nurse to explain . Take care 😊 Bernadette xx
Hi, welcome to the forum. 67 to 62 is not a massive drop. Taking a spirometry tests can give different readings, which is why they usually do three and take the best one. They can vary depending on how you are feeling, or even something as simple as the time of day it is undertaken. I wouldn't worry. Just take your medics advice and see what the reading is next time.
I so understand your worry. My test results vary depending on the weather, the season and my physical well being. In winter,they aren't very good and my pulmonologist was saying that is common.
If you are worried, I would suggest talking with your doctor.
Take care.
Cas xx 👧
Thanks for your replies.Nurse said she was not concerned as I was well.But I am if it drops that much in a year when I am doing everything they told me to do.I feel quite despondent
Don't give up! You're doing great. Imagine what it would have been like if you hadn't made a those changes xxx
my reading stayed the same for the first 3 years after being diagnosed the 4th year I had several chest infections my level of fitness never recovered. Now every time I get a chest infection my level of fitness never recovers
When you say your Spirometry reading is 67 / 62 do you mean FEV1 or FEV1/FVC?
dont know nurse just said it had gone down
Like you I have recently had a Hospital 6th Monthly review for my Consultant. It was he who 'officially diagnosed that I have severe COPD'. I have never enquired what my Fever details are or at what stage my COPD is. I asked him, when he first saw me 'how long have I got (I was 60)? He replied 'try to not to think how long but look at quality! After that zip didn't ask too many other questions but thought in terms of how am I feeling?
Like you I've given up smoking after 48yrs, still vap (he said that counted as not smoking! I have a good BMI am on LTOT 3ltr, which I believe I'll be on for the rest of my life and on for life. I feel quite well considering everything that has happened to me between 55 and 60 eg bowel cancer, cronic pancreatic failure etc. Most of all I do have a posative attitude with a Mr Macaw outlook on life. So much so the Consultant has discharged me back to my GP.
So far so good. However and it's a big however, he told me that COPD is a progressive disease and regardless of however my posative attitude, non smoking and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Exercise Classes it will get worse with age. How much so he could not predict as it's different with different people. I did not know this as nobody either knew or failed to tell me. This knocked me back badly until the next morning when I remembered 'quality not quantity of life' and that worrying otherwise is just foolish.
I hope this helps, and try to think positively because you never know what's in store,
I really should check my spelling before send posts and replies.
Predictive texts smartphone are not as clever as advertised!
Nothing makes up for good old human reading before 'send' even if you have dyslexia, like myself.
It's a puzzle alright but, I have read posts on several COPD forums and there a many people that were diagnosed at severe that have lived over 20 years.
I read the results of a large medical survey on how long the average COPD patient lived and it said 83 years old.
I personally knew 3 women with Copd, that were all over eighty when they passed away.
Avoiding infection, keeping moving and eating well, is the way to go. xx
COPD -- or at any rate, emphysema -- is a nasty, horrible progressive disease, so lung function deteriorates because of the progression, but deteriorates as we get older anyway. My FEV1 is 33%, so 62% ain't bad... Have you had any chest infections, exacerbations, coughs, colds that could have caused some damage to your lungs?? That might be another explanation.
Still -- in the grand scheme of things, if you feel fit, if you're active, if you've stopped smoking -- you're doing all the right things. Just keep doing them, forget the numbers and get on with life.
Spirometry can give a wide variation of readings, I know people who have improved their readings. It Depends on well the test is conducted, how often the machine is calibrated or you can just be nervous. I would not worry about such a small one off drop.