Me again I do miss my perfume and deodorant any tips on how to smell nice. Other than soap and water. I am laying in bed looking at bottles of favourite perfumes some I was bought at Xmas unfortunately December when I put on oxygen .Best wishes to all
Smellies : Me again I do miss my... - Lung Conditions C...

I can tolerate a roll on deodorant and perfumed hand creams but nothing that sprays. We are all different so do try different things if this is important to you.
Thank you I was wondering if the perfume and deodorant would be OK if I put it on under my clothing
You can use roll on deodorants. Perfumes should not be a problem unless they act as a trigger and effect your breathing.
To avoid are any oil based products, aerosol sprays and hair sprays when actually using oxygen.
You BOC handbook explains more.
Thank you stone once again sorry to be a bit thick but can you spray if you take oxygen of for a couple of minutes

I used roll on deodorant, cant use the spray ones now. I have perfume I can no longer use,such a
I find most perfumes and strong smells very irritating but like the gentler fragrances you get from shower gels, bath oils etc. I only ever use something like Dove or Nivea, which are kind to dry skin and have some nicely fragranced but not overpowering products.
I got some Nivea when I was in hospital but it has oil in got it from there father Xmas I looked on net and see that boots and tesco do a oil free moisturiser from Nivea so hubby getting me some my face like sandpaper
Thanks I will maybe dab a bit on. Maybe behind knees lol
Hi I use roll on deodorant unperfumed. Perfume I spray on my clothes. And it doesn't affect my breathing.
Perfume doesn't bother me. I figure it's not a good thing for my lungs. I use the body lotions. ๐ Ruby๐ท๐ท
Thanks another good idea x
I don't know if this will be any help, I have bad reactions to both natural and artificial smells for many years what I do now is to use liquid detergents for washing our laundry with no added smell but then use a fabric softner that does have perfume in it but to start with just a quarter of the recommended dose and gradually work myself up to a full dose. I personally prefer Lenor 7x as the lingering smell stays on the fabric for quite a while, so I get a whiff of a lovely smell as the fabric rub together.
I also use a block stick deodorant as the perfume disappears quite quickly.
It does take a while for all the big and little obstacles that you come across when trying to come to terms with these lung problems, just take baby steps and don't fret about things you can't change at the moment.
Thanks for all the info sue x
Haven't you been given an instruction booklet telling you what you can/can't do when using the oxygen?

Yes I have read through it but maybe I a bit dense couldn't decide if you could use sprays if you took oxygen off and then go on it read it a couple of times
Of course you're not thick. Anxiety makes you unable to concentrate and take things in, that's all.

So kind Hanne
Hi again t2d, I use dove roll on deodorant, and my girls take my clothes in their room spray perfume on them for me then I wear them so I get to smell nice but don't have to breath in the initial spray. I wear lots of scarfs which have been sprayed so if I don't have any on my clothes I still get a nice whiff xx sonia xx

That's a good idea I may ask hubby to do it for me I better make sure he uses perfume not After shave xx
Lemon is a natural deodorant, rub half a lemon under the armpits twice a day.
what about lavender sachets in your bed or in a pocket in your clothes , if it is due to spray or if it is due to smell you may have to try different ones. My mum used to put perfume on her hanky rather than her body. Sprays of all sorts effect me, try roll-on as suggested or maybe perfumed talc, or even hand creams just to give you scent. Best Wishes
Hi there! Just wanted to say I have an bottle of "Old Spice" which I found in the cupboard after about 35 years. It might be a bit vinegary now but there again, it would be a different kind of smell.
I use the push up deodorant uncented and I use any Daisy perfume by Marc Jacobs and it doesn't affect my breathing. Any other perfume does seem to affect my breathing.
I'm on 6 litres of oxygen per minute and have been since 2013.
I spray my perfume on my clothes instead of skin and use Dove cream push up deodorant. I don't hang around when I spray anything!
I use Trust Deodorant from boots.