I am a full time carer for my mother who has severe copd we are in private rented but house very damp can we get help to be re housed? Thanks paul
Housing: I am a full time carer for my... - Lung Conditions C...

You need to speak to your local council housing officer.
Unless your present accommodation is unfit or unsuitable for your needs.
They will probably try and liaise with your landlord to make the necessary improvements.
You can apply to any council for rehousing on medical grounds, subject to availability.
Just be aware that refusal to take a property, may put you to the back or even off the list.
It's better if you can resolve any issues with your current landlord.
Yourclandlord, whether private or otherwise has a duty of care in keeping your rented accommodation in good repair.You can therefore request from your local council that an inspection is carried out to determine the cause of the damp by their surveyors.It can be caused by inadequate ventilation.I do hope you can resolve the problem in a timely manner .
Hi there Thomas1923 , stone-UK is very correct in that you are fully within your rights to make an application for council housing using your mothers health,you being her f/t carer and the need to move out of a damp rented property. There would be a need for Occupational Therapy to do a full accommodation report and that you were unable to get repairs done by your current landlord. All very complicated but do able if you feel its the only way to get Mum into a damp free home. I was in a very similar position a couple of years ago and it took over 18months to get moved from my terribly damp housing assoc house into my ground floor council property. Obviously I am very grateful but it was far from easy. You must do what you think is best. Maybe your landlord will deal with the damp problem. Good luck and do let us know how things go.
I would say a big Yes, but you need help from your GP and social services to boost you up the list for more urgent re housing. Good Luck.
Hi - like your mum I have severe COPD and was living in private rented accommodation (house) that was damp and hard to access, being on a steep hillside. I completed an online application form & gave details of my medical condition and the problems I had with the stairs, location of the house etc and was soon on the waiting list. A year later I was in my current home - a small 2 bedroomed bungalow with accessible bathroom. Give it a try - you have nothing to lose.
PS. Hate to point this out but it is something you need to be aware of - if you have a council tenancy in your mums name you will be required to move out if/when she passes away. Feel awful mentioning that but it is something to keep in mind. If you can have a joint tenancy great, but just be clear and don't be afraid to ask the council where you would stand in such circumstances.