I as given this medication after a trip to the hospital. They said it was to control my angina, but as far as I know I haven't had any signs of it. Has anyone used it?
I as given this medication after a trip to the hospital. They said it was to control my angina, but as far as I know I haven't had any signs of it. Has anyone used it?
It is not something I have had. I hope it works for you.
Glutton is presumably glyceryl trinitrate for angina which I have as a spray, but you can have as tablets. Angina does not always come with chest pain and I am not sure I have it, although I do have pain between the shoulders so times. My cardiologist prescribed it 'just in case'. I should ask your doctor why he has prescribed it - have you ever had any sort of tightness of your chest etc. Heart disease often goes with lung disease. Good luck.
They gave me a stray thinking it was heart But it was sarcoidosis