HI I have recently been prescribed 16 hours of home oxygen therapy. Many of you sound very resourceful I am wondering how you tackled your first weekend away.
Did you encounter any problems and do you have any tips.
best wishes to you all
HI I have recently been prescribed 16 hours of home oxygen therapy. Many of you sound very resourceful I am wondering how you tackled your first weekend away.
Did you encounter any problems and do you have any tips.
best wishes to you all
I haven't been away from home at night since I was started on it--I do 3 litres at night--I have a big floor concentrator and a extra tank--I suppose I would take take the tank but Id love to have something portable but so expensive--think they have an area on this site where people sell things like that--I am in US--so not much chnace of me buying as most in UK--I hope oxygen helping you feel better--It is still a shock to me that im on it and it has been 2 months now--Good Luck--MmeT
Thank you for your reply MmeT. I have been on the oxygen nearly a month and felt very shocked for the first two weeks and now it just comes over me every so often. I have similar equipment to you. best wishes to you. T
I've been away several times never had any problems. Pre-booked with my supplier and they do the rest. When I arrive the equipment is all there, I have 1/2lt over night and cylinder 3 to 4lt when moving about.
Kim xx
If you are travelling in the UK give your oxygen supplier a ring. They can arrange to deliver your full oxygen 'prescription' to the place you will be staying and collect it at the end of your holiday. Oxygen has never stopped me from holidaying, it just takes a little forward planning.
@tyleri I couldn't tell u because I am on 24hr oxygen level 4 I have a 4.8 lb portable I take every where I go Have a great weekend. π
Absolutely agree with everyone who says go for it!! You need to remember to request it in time, and then it will be there waiting for you. If there is a problem - and we've never had one - you'll be given the contact numbers of the local ( to your holiday destination ) suppliers.
Send us a postcard.
Sue x
In the US your oxygen away from home is dependent on your supplier (whether they deliver to your travel destination and whether it is free or not.) In my case they do not; one can make prior arrangements to pick up oxygen equipment if they have a branch at your destination, and sometimes they will deliver to your hotel, etc. for a charge. (Oxygen companies seem to be much less accommodating than just a few years ago.) If you own your equipment I suspect you must rent on your own, but would need your prescription to do so. As for me, we travel by car and take the concentrator and filler unit. If I had to fly I would rent a portable concentrator that allows direct flow, as I need that at night. My oxygen company doesn't provide them.
Thanks for your rely Nancy. I am picking up from other post that we must be very fortunate here. I believe the suppliers here are contracted by the NHS to supply oxygen in the UK for holidays etc. Best wishes to you, x