Can someone please explain why is it my breathing sometimes is really bad but doc says oxygen levels brill but to be honest I would rather be able to breath
Copd: Can someone please explain why is... - Lung Conditions C...

Jeanjt Hi I am on 24 hr oxygen level 4 I have copd and sarcadois never heard of a oxygen brill can u explain?
I can't fully explain but like you I have very good oxygen levels but struggle to breathe, sometimes more than others.
The oximeter they put on your finger which I assume is what you are referring to measures the amount of oxygen in your blood. I think it displays the percentage of blood that is loaded with oxygen. As I understand it, it is only when this is regularly below a certain level when resting that you need to use oxygen to increase the levels in your blood, not to help you breathe.
I may be talking rubbish, there are lots of people on here who will fully understand & put you right. Stone comes to mind, he is very knowledgeable.
Of course many things can adversely affect your breathing from the weather, an exacerbation etc to strange smells. I wish I could fully pinpoint what does affect me then maybe I would be better able to control it!
There are many reason for breathlessness depending on you ailment and what level.
You can be effected by excertion, triggers, weather, or just having a bad day.
Your O2 level will not necessary alter unless you have oxygen desaturation during exercise or moving around.
With a lung condition you can expect a O2 level around 94% .
Thankyou for replies
Hi 👋 Jeanjt, I understand exactly what you're saying. I can be really breathless at times yet my oxygen levels show 98/99 on oximeter.
Hope you're feeling ok 👌 take care 🌷
Being short of breath and having low oxygen sats are two completely different things. Some have both and some have one or the other. Each person is different and whilst 94% oxygen would be a good figure (as Stone points out) there are some whose individual circumstances mean they maintain on 91 or even lower.
mrsmummy I'm doing 96 on oximeter level 4 toned it down to 3.5 lL doing 94 they say they are trying 2 get it back to where I started which was level 2 back into 2014 then they say my left lung is in stage 4 with copd and sarcadois and emphysema waiting on answers.for evaluation for lung transplant Do u think I should get a second opinion?
I have oxygen levels of 96% but am sometimes short of breath, I was told this was because with emphysema the problem was getting the air out of the lungs and that pursed lip breathing would help. The O2 levels areca function of oxygen uptake. Being on oxygen will not make you any less out on breath but will maintain levels to protect your organs.
Jeanjt oh brilliant😆
I have severe COPD and my oxygen saturation levels vary dramatically. I can be at 94% at rest and then after exertion it can be down to 88% or even lower sometimes.
I use ambulatory oxygen but have to be careful as I am a CO2 retainer and if I have too much oxygen then my retained CO2 levels increase. Then I have to use my BiPAP machine to get rid of the excess CO2.
MrsMummy and nottobad are absolutely right in that no two of us will have the same condition or need the same treatment.
Hi, Sounds like me and I agree with what you say. Sometimes I feel as if I am retaining oxygen because I get hoarse, and heartrate goes up and sometimes if naseau sets in. Have to find out hopefully through this site it these are signs of retaining oxygen.