GP's Doctors Will Have To Do Better. - Lung Conditions C...

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GP's Doctors Will Have To Do Better.

7 Replies

Well seen my GP again re guts stomach issues .. refused to prescribe probiotics GIVEN my concerns.

Her idea of treatment is IBS pills ones i might ad paralysed my belly breathing muscles ANYWAY she wanted to give me same again SAID the might NOT this time.

Well i refused AS ###% cant give me stuff to tackle cause but can for symptoms.

Anyway SHE prescribed Buscopan Hyoscine Butyl-bromide that i think she can Stick where sun don't shine.

Why do i say that WELL as lung diseased AM not ready for Buscopan or its likes.

Buscopan IS used to help with Death Rattle and as am no where near that S@&& The doctors are going to have to do better to cure my ibs stomach issues WITH out F&£)&#% with my breathing.

Anyway am going to get my lung doctor to write to my gp get him to put em straight.

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7 Replies
zube-UK profile image

sounds like more codswallop ajax, your right, it is treating the symptoms and not the cause, must be cost then, think buscopan is about £3.50 in Boots and the VSL# much more expensive, something like £60 for 1 month supply, that's why I suggested making raw sauerkraut or kimchee or kefir, sometimes you can buy it raw.

Get independent of gp and have some fun with the "brews" I have got an apple wine and ginger beer going now, be careful though, I forgot last weeks ginger beer and it exploded in the cupboard !

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to zube-UK

ps, she's right though, could come in handy for the death rattle.. ha

in reply to zube-UK

Don't think have patients for brews BUT am not done yet IS disgrace really but time is catching up with GP's like what discoveries have gp's come up with to help patients or the treatments

None think answer would be THATs how interested are WE just lucky GPs are not in A+E

Symes profile image

My wife was prescribed Buscopan when she was diagnosed with cancer (the morphein/tramadol concoction she took for the pain caused by the big C caused her no end of stomach troubles) - but Buscopan did absolutely fig all.

We added senna to the mix, we tried powdered fibre satchets, all sorts to help with her constipation.

We kept on and on at the palliative care nurse, and it wasn't until they took her off the morphien and put her on fentynl patches, her stomach issues eased up. She still takes senna amongst the myriad of pills she has to take, but the Buscopan went in file 13 - the bin!

in reply to Symes

Hi Symes sorry to read about trouble you wife as had having.

Been horrendues gut trobble i have had dose effect your breathing mainly breathing in.

Doctors just said ihave stomach hypersenceativaty me personaly i think the flull of it.

Anyway going to file em in round cabanet :)

Cheers thats for reply.

Ergendl profile image

Ask to see a dietitian about your IBS, JAS. There is a recognised diet to try to identify things that cause flare ups, and dietitians do believe in some pro-biotics, ones that have been scientifically proven to work. They should also work with your whole condition, not just one issue.

SAMBS profile image

Jeff AS - Have you tried a natural/herbal combination? I use Arkopharma products, just add .com to their name, choose your country and check out their website. I buy mine from the chemist and it basically gave me a pretty good detox. Germs in the gut can lead to liver problems if not resolved - can be a cause of cirrhosis (and there are loads of causes of that, alcohol, drugs as in meds, especially OTC or online ones if taken in quantity.

Once your 'gut cleared out' then get probiotics from a health food shop. I know the Arko has helped my breathing also. I regularly also use the Arko Urinaire (Im in France) ALL Arko prods I use Come in liquid form and I just pour into a little water. Its also absorbed by body better in liquid form.

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