Well that's me n Fran ready for the off to Newcastle in the morning to the Freemans Transplant Hospital till Friday will keep you updated on any News we get. If it's no then it's not the end of the world the last year has been amazing getting to where I am we have to thank everyone for their help support and advice. Matt N Fran Thank You.
Newcatle here Comes Mattcass. - Lung Conditions C...
Newcatle here Comes Mattcass.

Great news, Matt, and good luck. I hope you've got lots of books etc to keep you busy with all the waiting around
Give it your best shot MC, and then leave it to the experts.
The way you 've been going they'll probably say your to fit and healthy now 😊.
Sending love and good wishes to you Matt and love to Fran too.
Hope all goes well. You deserve it to. Xxxxxx
All the best,hope you have good news.
All the best.
Fingers and toes crossed, Matt. xx
Hope it all goes well for you.
Hope all goes well for you next week Matt x
good luck hope every thing goes well for you
Good luck hope it gos ok for you
Good luck Matt & love to Fran. X
Good luck Matt - its a fantastic hospital. The Drs, nurses and HCAs are just lovely.
Fingers crossed for you.
All very best wishes and best of luck Matt x
Good luck to you.everything crossed for a good outcome
Good luck I hope all works out well its a fantastic hospital your in good hands.