Several months ago I was referred to a cardiologist for shortness of breath. Angiogram, chemical stress test, etc. Stress test showed my heart was struggling under stress however angiogram showed a little atherosclerosis but nothing to explain symptoms. Cardiologist then referred me back to a chest physician I had seen back in 2012. The chest physician ordered a CT scan which I had in April and also lft. Meanwhile I have again seen the cardiologist for routine follow up and
Was able to access the ct scan, which I saw on his screen. There was mention of following : NSIP, IF and quote " U P cannot be ruled out". The cardiologist has written to my gp to discharge me from him but said in the letter it appears I have interstitial,lung disease. I have heard only from the respiratory doctor to say there is some non specific scarring in my lungs and that the lft test was down on that of 2012. I have another 2 weeks to wait for opa to discuss this with the respiratory doctor. But it does seem my lungs are making my heart struggle.
Any suggestions about this and what questions to ask would be much appreciated. Apologies if this all sounds a bit garbled