Hi all, i used to post frequently but became very poorly I'm 47 and very lonely. i have 24hour care and feeling better than i have in years, i need a lung transplant which i don't want want as i find it all to scary. i need friends desperately so i hope you welcome me.
old member but been missing for a few... - Lung Conditions C...
old member but been missing for a few years

Of course we do Rattles: Welcome, welcome - so glad you have joined us. Great to hear that you have such great care and are feeling better. Sorry, I have to run but chat soonxx
Hello rattles and welcome, that's great your feeling better, what's has made the difference do you think? Yea the idea of a lung transplant dosent sound like a great experience, but surgeons do this work all the time, you will be in great hands. I'm watching re runs of Fraser at the moment, always puts a smile on my face, are you doing anything ? xxx
Hi rattles and welcome. I am sorry to hear that you are so unwell. This is a very friendly site and I am sure you will make many new friends here. If you have any questions or just need to let off steam you are in the right place for support.
I am sure lots of others will be along shortly to say hello to you.
Regards. John
Hello rattles, it is lovely to meet you and we have plenty of friendship to share.
Welcome back
Tee xx
Hi rattles, you have come to the right place to make new friends, we have some lovely people on here, in fact they are all lovely
Just keep on popping in throughout the day and comment wherever you want to.
Its nice to have new members everyone has something to bring to the posts.
take care, see you back on soon.
polly xx
rattles welcome back you look so healthy in your picture we,re all friends here I'm sure the other will be along to welcome you and give you advice .It' would scare me if I was facing your situation but I'd take it if it would give me a chance of a longer and healthier life best wishes x
Hi Rattles sorry to hear you have not been too good hope messages will cheer you up
That is so nice to see, a welcome back. I am fairly new to this site and find you all so great.
Hello Rattles, it's nice that you're here again. It's great you're feeling better but can absolutely understand why you're feeling scared.
You've got friends! Take care. Love, Sue x
It saddens me to hear about lonely people, Rattles. You are doingthe right thing by coming to this forum. Have you thought about ringing Silver Line (Esther Rantzen) Wonderful peopleto talk to. They can find you a well matched friend who will ring you once a week. Not everyone's choice but it works for me.
Not really for me to comment on a lung transplant for you. But if it leads to better health. You are still young and could use being more mobile, XXXX
Hi pergola this silver line sounds most interesting i shall look it up now, thank you. xxxx
Thank you all for the wonderful welcome, my spirits have been lifted tenfold. Thank you. xxxx
Welcome rattles, what a beautiful picture. It must be a scary thought to have a lung transplant, any transplant actually π¦. I have absolutely no personal experience of it but I'm sure I would feel just like you if I was faced with the choice. π±
You have to do what's right for you & what you're comfortable with. Your choice completely π
Don't ever feel lonely, come here & chat to us! If you read through previous posts, you'll see we chat about a wide variety of topics. We share day to day life, post photos of pets, gardens, family, have discussions about practically anything really & also ask advice & give help about our various lung conditions.
We all have lung conditions but we all try to make the most of it. We help each other to feel better when things get too much.
It's a fantastic forum so please join in whenever you want & don't feel lonely anymore π
Welcome back Rattles. Great photo and golly, what fantastic hair you have. I would love hair like yours. I'm 53 and have severe COPD,on oxi basically 24/7 now and my mobility is rubbish but I'm trying with PR classes. Things can get on top of us all, especially if you are waiting for a transplant. Hopefully you will make great friends on here. Nice to hear from you!
thank you for the compliments squirrelsholt,i know the feeling of being on oxy 24/7 and rubbish mobility i hope the classes help you. i could not cope without my carers 24/7 I'm working hard on my mobility having been bed bound for the past 3 years i have a way to go. nice talking with you xxx
Listen Rattles, I spent over a year sofa surfing as I couldn't stay in my damp riddled council house anymore. I'd had enough of sleeping on friends sofas and requested a move due to health conditions. I got reports after reports from the medical people and had to go through 2 appeals - but in the end,18 months later,I got a ground floor flat with a tiny garden. It suits me down to the ground. Still trying to cope with the loneliness but that seems worse when I'm more I'll. Hope you enjoy your day !
im so pleased you got a nice flat and garden, what an ordeal getting there!
Im just coming out of hiding, and I'm terrified i need friends now though i need conversation so thank you for sharing your story with me.
So many of us on here feel like we've been hiding away for months and months and that we really want to be more sociable, but maybe lack the confidence. Perhaps we should try and get together? What do you reckon?
It won't take you long to start getting used to chatting on here to us all. We are quite a knowledge able bunch of people, even if I say so myself ! A problem aired is better shared(or something along those lines). A few are just like you,waiting for urgent transplants. You can use the magnifying glass symbol and put in transplants and it will give you the most recent posts about it. May be a good way of finding out,who may be able to answer exact questions you have etc etc. Have a go..........nothing to loose eh? Keep you chin up,no matter how hard life can get. It does help just a little bit ! ! !
Snap im in the same position as you so know where your coming from ...What hospital are you under and are you on the transplant list
hi mandy I'm under papworth, who are you under? I'm not listed yet as I'm overweight
Im under Harefield and also not listed yet but thats because im a complete coward
snap i just can't face it i know and have made online friends who didn't survive and each time it broke my heart
Yeah i have a friend who has gone back on the list after rejecting the lungs...Its a huge decision that has so much involved in it x
Welcome Rattles, You look like you could be Mandys sister, with your pretty red hair! Glad to meet you. Hope we'll see a lot more of you. π Rubyxx
Hey Rattle, you look good!
So glad you've made it here again.Many of us are "old members"! We welcome you and cheer you up. If you can, just engage in the exchange. Most of all, keep your spirit up. Never give up, even when you think you rattle!
Cheers, Mic
Good to see you Rattles, I hope you keep posting and staying in touch! π this can be such an isolating illness and frustrating and other things. You are blessed to have good carers looking after you, we are all a bit at the mercy of others at times through circumstances..my heart goes out to you and I'm keeping you in my positive thoughts , huff xxx ππ
Welcome back Rattles. What a difficult situation you are in. We do sympathise. But I envy you Papworth. My case was referred to Papworth to be assessed for pulmonary endarterectomy. In my case I was turned down because it was not severe enough. Incidentally did any of you see one of those done on Holby this week? Had me sitting up and taking notice. First thought was "You can't do that! They can only be done in Papworth." But Jac Naylor will always break the rules.
I have to say if it had been offered I would have said yes.
Good to have you back with us.
All the best and let us know how things go.
Kate xxx
Katinka46, I did watch Holby like you and yes, isn't it made even more "real", when the patient could have been one of us ? However,like you so rightly said, Ms Jac Nailer, the Ice Maiden got straight in there.What an absolutely wonderful welcome back Rattles got from so many people here on HU. I am always amazed at how willing folk on here are always able to share their own experiences to try and encourage members. This is by a long,long way, the best site that I've cone across. We all deserve a pat on our backs ! ! !
Nice to meet you. I recently found this fantastic friendly forum and was so glad I did. I'm 44 and was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and Systemic Sclerosis just before Christmas and still coming to terms with its impact on my life. Losing your independence and mobility is such a hard thing to deal. I cannot imagine what you must be going through right now with the prospect of the transplant. With the condition I have I may also have to face this situation in the future.
I also came to this forum looking for support and friendship from others who would understand and there an abundance of it :-). I would be pleased to chat anytime. Take care and do keep in touch. Big hugs x
Hey there....missed you π You know where I am chick...reach out anytime xxx
Bless you! Don't be lonely, we are here and love a chat and a giggle with friends. It's great to have a new friend join us xxx
Hi. Long time no see. Still have GrannieMo hugs in abundance.
Welcome . Great name rattles .
G'day from "Down Under" Rattles.
Welcome back!!
My wife Susan has Pf and is on the waiting list for a bilateral lung Tx here in Melbourne.
If you wish to obtain information on the process I am sure that Susan would only be too happy to correspond with you. She has been waiting for over 1 year for the "right' donor.
Scary yes, but it is not the high risk operation any more. The Alfred hospital where we are on the list did 81 lung transplants last year, with 80 surviving and this year over 35 all doing okay.
Best wishes
Will (Australia)
Welcome back hon! Yes the thoughts of a transplant is terrifying, I'm heading in that direction but think of the life you might have. I know it's not guarantees But what is in this life. Best of luck with what you decide xxx
Welcome back rattles - lovely photo x
Hi. Keeping in touch. My life is just as mad as it ever was.
GrannyMo xx
...and we will all scold you for not being in our lives until you felt fit and you must never feel badly again!! Young lady, welcome home. Apologies never warranted. We do still love and need one another no matter how long we're missing. You went to the park and got some frostbite and have just returned for love and a hot beverage. Glad you're home.