Finished clarithromycin and prednisolone. Fierce thrush so got one dose fulconazole to move it. Now severe cystitis. So tired with it all.
What next: Finished clarithromycin and... - Lung Conditions C...
What next

It's all ways one thing after another. Sending hugs xx
Oh dear, you must be so fed up. You need some rest, and lots of fluids. Be well soon. Sue x
Ditto, hope u get a break soon. Take care and sending a hug ur way xx Sonia xx
Have you tried cranberry juice, that helps me. It really is rubbish when it gets you like this, one thing after another but it will clear soon enough just hang on in there. ((hugs))
Sorry you are having a bad run; it will pass & hopefully soon. Love Margaret x
Sorry about your bout of thrush, I have appointment with doctor today, I think I have either thrush of cystisus. I am on course of Chemo and believe that is the cause, hope he gives me something. Good luck with your problem, I find it an embarrassing thing to talk to Male doctors about but has to be done.
So sorry you feel poorly. Lung problem are so bad we don't need any others. I'm past feeling embarrassed. There's not much the average GP hasn't seen. I got trimethoprim for my cystitis. Still painful but better than it was. Hang on in there I'm sure you'll get something to help. Keep drinking water and that will help flush out nasty bacteria. Best of luck.
It`s the steroids that cause thrush........... I have steroid inhaler so its a permanent battle, therefore I get Canestan on my prescription.
Thrush is an overgrowth of the Candida bacteria, which we all have and need, but the growth gets out of balance due to higher glucose in the blood brought about by steroid use.
In an emergency you can use Listerol or white vinegar for relief.