Had my assessment today.
Will find out in 3-6 weeks if I qualify.
Did anybody else have to do a peak flow during it?
(Of which recorded a pf of 100)๐
Was very quick assessment too.40 mins max.
Had my assessment today.
Will find out in 3-6 weeks if I qualify.
Did anybody else have to do a peak flow during it?
(Of which recorded a pf of 100)๐
Was very quick assessment too.40 mins max.
My friend never done a peak flow test...she has copd...got enhanced pip aswell....mind you she is very poorley all the time....out of puff..and sleeps alot...its a shame terrible disease it is....good luckxx
Hi went for my assessment 5/3/16 and got my first payment 15/3/16. After being told 4 to 8 weeks I also had to do a peak flow test. good luck
Hi there Fantasy3 The PIP assessment is supposed to be about how your condition affects your ability to lead your daily life. Assessors are not qualified to perform medical tests on applicants or to interpret the results. Peak flow has no bearing whatsoever on the qualification for a PIP. They are not supposed to do this and it is an infringement of your privacy. After you get the result of your claim, make a formal complaint against this assessor. If you have to appeal against the decision use the fact that the assessor performed a peak flow test on you as evidence that they did not know the criterior which they were supposed to base their decision on and went beyond their remit by making you do it. Good luck.
Thank you for that quality information I never knew that and honestly I would of just accepted it as part of interview but as I already said I wasn't asked but am glad of you pointing out facts much appreciated x
Hi stillstanding, I had a peak flow test I just had to blow the once and she put my result on to my claim form she never maid any comment about it I also told her my usual o2 level this information they would get from your GP or consultants report it is just one of the tests you have also looking at how far you can walk before affecting your breathing how far you can bend how far you can lift your arms above you head how firm is your grip many different tests if you get pain or discomfort doing these things you can refuse to do them this peak flow thing must be new I applied when pip first came out and didn't do a peak flow test I was quite happy with the things I was asked to do and she her self could see I was a lot worse from the first time applied.
Blowing once wouldn't be of any use in assessing your breathing anyway. It just proves that they were just making you do it because they think that they can. But if. you are happy, why not.
Thanks for the advice stillstanding63.
I did not know this,and am grateful to you for letting me know.
As most people on here will understand,when you go for these assessments,you go in the knowledge that the people conducting them know their limits on what they can or cannot do regarding tests etc.
Shall certainly bear this in mind if I have to reattend.
Thank you.
By the way.
I'm not the only one on here that has had a peak flow at assessment.
yes that's evident. Peak flow varies from day to day, our ability to do various physical things in your daily living is not alaways affected by it. Therefore, doing the test during the assessment is irrelevant. To my mind there is a difference between gathering medical evidence on the day and accepting a GP or consultant report which contains that information. I got my PIP without doing a peak flow test and would have referred them to the doctors reports. However, if people are happy to comply with whatever they want it is up to them I'm glad you got it. Let's just hope we can hang on to the PIPs now!
I didn't have to do peak flow! But I would of felt better at the time had I been asked !!! Way I see it they have instant result of how you are and now should take less time to get your answer mine only took 3 weeks xx
Peak Flow is a measure for Asthma sufferers, it is no indication at all for COPD...
I have both. I also have two peak flow gadgets, my GP issued me with a child version (low range) as I wasn't able to give the adult one my all most of the time. The low range one goes from 0 to 400, the adult one goes from 60 up to 800.
I can't recall the last time I was asked for a peak flow measurement.
Oh I got such pleasure seeing your name again Gordon57. You were such a prominent member when I first joined. Hope you`re keeping well ! Sheila xx
Hi Sheila. It was for the very reason that I am not well that I was on here. I've had a bad few days with a horrible cold settling on top of my current chest infection and have had problems sleeping. I do pop by now and again to have a browse and often vanish without adding anything. This time I saw a couple of posts I just had to comment on
I thought a lot of the questions were cut short.
I was asked if I work,to which I replied no,I had to give my job up in 2012,because of my condition.but the assessor did not ask for what reason my condition was affected by my work.he did ask what I did at the time,but nothing more,which I found odd
I would not do a peak flow as one of my conditions will give a higher reading than COPD would. Just the same as my at rest O2 would show higher than it would after walking?
You do not have to do anything they ask as long as you give a valid reason for not doing it.
I didn't do one
Hope you get some good news Fantasy x
i went for my assessment on 2nd of Nov and was turned down with copd and other illnesses all because of a stupid nurse not a doctor