Hi, just found this site by accident and decided it might be interesting as I was diagnosed with COPD 7 years ago but always had chest infections due to smoking. Does anyone have trouble with travel insurance. I unfortunately had my first exacerbation in August and was in hospital for a week, missed my hols ! and now it is impossible to get insurance unless its going to cost more than my holiday(!). Looking forward to reading all the posts.
NEWBIE: Hi, just found this site by... - Lung Conditions C...

Welcome to the forum, you'll find all the help you need here everyone is lovely. Give the helpline a ring they have information on travel insurance, but I'm sure others on here can help. Just wanted to say hello.
Kim xx
Welcome Caz1952, sorry I'm not writing much but no doubt we will be writing to each other very soon. Everyone on here are real friendly.
Hi caz nice to meet you. If you type travel insurance in the search box at the top right of the screen you will see lots of posts about it. x

Brilliant thanks. Hope to join in discussions soon. X
hi caz and welcome. you might find the insurance high at the moment because of recent exacerbation and hospital visit. Most ask if been in hospital in last 12 months. when on same meds for while and condition controlled not quite so bad. hope you find something jan x
hi welcome to the site , you should find lots of helpful advice on here and we also have a laugh about non lung related subjects , peoples hobbies pets ect ,
Hello Caz, a very warm welcome to our forum.
I personally have not used travel insurance since being diagnosed so can't help you.
If you use the search option you will see posts about what you want.
Hope you get answers & can get away on holiday again soon 🌺
Hi Caz and welcome to the forum. x
Hello caz
Welcome to the forum.
Lots of help, support, and laughs on here.
Insurance is a nightmare, sorry l Can't help with that.
Velvet xx
Welcome saz this site is very good. I have not been on holiday so sorry can,t help
Hi Caz and welcome to the site.
I was diagnosed 11 years ago age 42 I gave up smoking with the help of a quit clinic and champix if you can give up smoking you will feel much better I had less chest infections and my breathing improved today I'm still a none smoker I go swimming and feel quite good.
Ask your GP to refer you to a PR course at your local hospital they are fantastic you will get so much out of them, take care
Hi, it is a nightmare I have phoned so many and answered all the questions to be told sorry we can't insure you or the price is way too high. I phoned one the other day and it was about £60 for a year but pre existing conditions were not covered, how pointless is that. There is one think it is Global its around £90 for a year in europe they ask no questions about health issues and you pay a £500 excess if you make a claim. This sounds the best way of getting peace of mind to me. By the way I have just come back from Barbados with no health insurance just took antibiotics with me.
I was quoted £465 per annum for couple within Europe, nearly died. I would be scared not to have insurance as my first exacerbation came on within weekend and ended up in hospital for first time. I'll try that Global and keep shopping around.
Look for companies that specialise in Pre-existing conditions and get a few quotes as they do vary loads. When I only had heart problems and Asthma it was "ABOUT £60.00 MORE THAN NORMAL" However once they added RLD and PH it became stupid. I have also been advised not to fly so only cruises and trains/cars but still to expensive if going abroad now. COPD should not be that much of a hike!
Be Well
Hi I've had COPD for 7 years and always declared it and had quite cheap cover BUT since my hospital admission the quotes are site high.
Hospital admission time limits vary on different companies too. I have been refused more than given now, once I go though all my ailments! Most of the time it is as soon as I mention PH they say sorry we do not insure people with that?
I have been quoted £2000 for 2 weeks in Spain with a £500 Excess for each treatment?
Holiday insurance is a nightmare if you've been in hospital in the past 12 months: mine went up from £400 to £4,000... To get decent prices on insurance, you may have to have an "exception" on your COPD, which means you aren't covered if you have any chest-related illness whilst you are away.
We always made sure that I had enough antibiotics, steroids and inhalers, then kept our fingers crossed, but not any more -- I've still got the pseudomonas bug lurking in my lungs, just waiting for us to go abroad and then leap into action. Bah!!!
Sorry to hear that you missed your holiday: same happened to us earlier this year. Stay in the UK!!
Welcome to the site Caz. I hope you like it here. The only insurance company I can think of that might be helpful is Saga. It might be worth asking Age uk as well.
Well folks, managed to get insurance from InsureandGo for £155.71 for our two weeks to Greece BUT had to double excess to £120 AND have no baggage cover!!!! All because I had a short hospital admission...
It was £38 last year. Bloody rip off. 😵