I have just been to see consultant for the first time, he is not sure if I have got Broncistis he said chest X-ray doesn't give you a true reading, there is some damage there but he said the only way to tell is by a ct scan which I am waiting to have,what is th
Copd: I have just been to see... - Lung Conditions C...

Sorry what is the difference between copd and bronchitis
Hi Mojo, COPD is the umbrella term for Emphysema & Chronic Bronchitis.
Have you had a diagnosis by a GP or consultant?
They're both lung conditions but with different symptoms so you really need to know which you have, to be given the correct meds to control it.
Hope you have your scan soon 🌻
Hi Mojo, The way that the consultant put it to you is quite confusing. If the ct scan shows bronchitis, that comes Under the COPD umbrella which also covers emphysema. Your consultant might think that you may have the damage which is associated with a condition called bronchiectasis. This can only be diagnosed for sure by a ct scan and the damage is different to that with bronchitis. There are lots of people on here with COPD and quite a few with bronchiectasis. When your consultant tells you what you have, do feel very welcome to ask us any questions. Don't worry, we all live with our conditions and will be happy to help you manage whatever you have.

Sorry I mean Bronchiectasis

So is there a difference between copd and Bronchiectasis
Yes Mojo, COPD is the term which covers chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Bronchiectasis is a different conditon. In very basic terms the conditions covered by COPD have damage to the air sacks at the end of the airways in the lungs (alveoli) and also sometimes the airways themselves. This leads to tightening and shortness of breath, alongside infections. I think that someone with COPD would probably be able to describe it better than me. Bronchiectasis is damage to the airways which makes them floppy. Also, in some cases such as mine the alveoli become over extended ( like a balloon which has been blown up too much and then deflated). Fluid collects in there and and the airways. It can become infected, making the patient ill. This fluid has to be coughed out of the lungs every day and various antibiotics used to combat infection, depending on the bacteria which gets in there. Most people with bronchiectasis (we call ourselves bronchs) live perfectly normal lives except for when these infections arise, which is called an exacerbation. I have had it for 63 years, have lived all over the world, worked and raised two children. The most important thing with all of these conditions is to establish a routine for managing them and to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope that helped. As I said, once you know which condition you have there is lots of help on here for living with it.
Copd is either chronic bronchitis or emphysema. copd is the generic term for both.
If he thinks its bronchitis as its showing on xray a ct would definately confirm it.
A pulmonary function test (pft) or a full lung function test would be much better method to confirm chronic bronchitis.
Elevated tlc ,frc & rv indicate it.
A reduced dclo would indicate emphysema from bronchitis dclo is normal or only slightly reduced.
Hope this helps.