Hi Everyone, well that's it, Drug Trial at an end, just a phone call in a months time to check that all is well. At my last visit I had all the usual tests, blood, spirometry, ECG, urine and a full examination by a Doctor. All seemed to be well so no worries there. The last month I've been on nebulized Ciprofloxacin or Pulmaquin(R) to give it it's trial title. It was very different from the drug/placebo part of the trial as it tasted aweful when nebulized and was milky in colour rather than clear so maybe that was the giveaway that I was on the placebo previously. Just one little aside, I am 75 years old and there had been a query that I might be pregnant!!! - Ha! ha! - LOL!, apparently it sometimes happens with a urine sample when different things react with your sample so be warned! That's all for now. Take care, Love Lizzy x
Drug Trial - Visit 15: Hi Everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Drug Trial - Visit 15

Hello Skinnylizzy, I think you have done brilliant!😁 it's wonderful people like you that are the real trail blazers for new and better meds! How are you feeling ? ,hoping you feel as well as possible!
Thank you for sharing the trial with us, huff😘💕💕💕 xxx
Yes thank you lizzy and all the other people for doing the trial, I hope we will benefit from it. XxSally
Well done for doing the drug trial. Hope,you keep well xx
Yes thank you skinnylizzy for doing this trial which might benefit many of us. How are you, have you had any sign of infection in the last month? Robin
Well you kept that quiet Lizzy - pregnant eh! - amazing what you can get on the NHS!
Things seem to back up what you thought re being on the placebo. Will be interesting if you get to know. How have you found the month on the drug 'proper' and did you have any side effects? Funny how all the nebbed abs taste foul.
Lizzy well done for taking part in this trial - you are a star and may help many bronchs in the future. BTW will you be able to stay on the drug?
Thanks also to Stillstanding who took part in phase I.
Loads a love and thanks
Thanks for taking part SL. We will all benefit from the trial.
Hi skinny mummy to be. Thanks so much for doing that trial. When you knew that you were on the drug, did it work? I did stage one of the trials and it was obvious to me and all those handling the trial that I must be on it. And I was. It is being fast tracked for non cf bronch in the US so I hope that NICE get moving.
Gosh, how kind you all are, it's great to have your support. I feel well at the moment and since the episode in May I have been fine, mind you I think the good, warmer weather helped a lot, well for me anyway. I did have one or two side effects whilst on the 'real thing' which my Research Nurse said were known about - at one stage I felt very low and miserable but on the other hand I did have a lot of things happening in my family at that time which were very worrying; also I was very, very breathless at times and couldn't talk without having to stop several times. All that has disappeared now though so fingers crossed that I maintain my 'good health'. I have my 'flu jab next week so that's another hurdle to cross according to some posts on here. Take care all and thank you very much once again. Love Lizzy x
Hahaha shall I start knitting?
Glad that's it, no more long round trips to Papworth then except your normal check ups.
I had Cipro for a week last month. I recall I had to avoid milk and it left a long lingering foul taste.
Good for you Lizzy a and bravo for doing it xxxx
Well done Lizzie, your a star. I'm glad your feeling better too. xx
Thank you for doing it for all of us Lizzy, I tried to do one but didn't qualify. Hope all goes ok. Keep us posted. XX
Thank you SK xxx