They're Slithering Through So They Ar... - Lung Conditions C...

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They're Slithering Through So They Are...

14 Replies

They get between the smallest cracks you know...up they pop spitting and poking...pressing peoples buttons just to annoy.

And I wonder what lives they lead...maybe they're shifty-eyed and have long dirty finger-nails...sitting on a broken armchair with the springs coming through the seat...surrounded by empty takeaway Pizza cartons and grimy mugs, with the dregs of strong tea growing interesting fungi in the bottom.

They might try to wheedle their way into the Dark Net...choosing an unlikely moniker to enter dubious chat rooms where they giggle and exchange ideas of where next to target...

Maybe they don't have greasy hair and body odour...though I always have a feeling that they are strangers to personal hygiene and last bought shampoo in 1968...could be they are upright citizens' who live in a semi-detached with bay windows and spend Sundays mowing the lawn and complaining about the price of fish before eating a roast with all the trimmings...

They may have a little yappy dog who gets under their feet and a wife who wears a hair net in bed and bleaches the draining board and knits crinoline ladies to put over the loo rolls...

On the other hand many are female.

And it is the female of the species, who, I regret to say, is the expert at delivering sharp barbs to the unwitting and the perfectly innocent.

Snapping at teenagers doing their level best to produce something of use...rounding on those who side with said teenager and in one totally appalling set of incidents, revealing the most trusted and intimate secrets of someone else's life on FaceAche for practically the entire world to see.

Do these women bleach their draining boards and hang out their washing on a windy day...can't actually imagine them cooking supper and stroking the cat...sorting through the 'fridge and finding a lump of mouldy cheese...sitting in a café with a cup of coffee, chatting to a friend.

Those people aren't wired like us.

They can't be can they...they can't have the normal worries about the lecky bill or the unsuitable lad going out with their daughter...surely they don't look aghast at cellulite on their thighs and grumble about their husband snoring...

And when do they open up their laptop and sit there with their shoulders round their ears so no-one can see the vitriol they post apparently at random...picking out a victim the way we'd choose a ripe Pineapple.

I've been trawling YouTube today you see...looking for ideas using Polymer clay mostly...then Air Drying Clay. It was on one of the Air Drying clay videos that a spiteful troll popped their head above the parapet and launched an attack on a teenage girl who was demonstrating how to make your own clay.

My inclination was to applaud her efforts...many others said precisely the same...but there was this one dissenting voice who stood out clearly.

Mean, spiteful and hurtful they were.

No matter how many praised the girl and said her video was helpful...which it was...she's going the remember the one voice who came over loud and clear...

That of the feckin' troll.

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14 Replies
Neo7 profile image

First to congratulate you once again Vashti, wasted talent my friend. Neo.

Do you believe in free will though Vashti? I don't, not really. Robin

Toci profile image

Nailed it, Vashti.

starveycat profile image

I have come to the conclusion that a lot of them are just spiteful cowards ♥

Gforce1 profile image

Can I have what yr drinking

hufferpuffer profile image

It takes all sorts Vashti. The world is full of good and bad and now there are so called trolls who are nasty minded and cruel and get off on it, I think they are sado's.👹👺👿👾

huff xxx

Lynda1952 profile image

You are so right Vashti. You write in such a wonderful way xx

Magpuss profile image

Scum always rises to the top - that's why it's more noticeable.

rubyred777 profile image

Wonderful Vashti

What a way with words you have!

Such a gift.


Azure_Sky profile image

Reading your interesting post, it struck me that trolls are likely to be the type who are cruel to animals, neglect them and forget to feed them, if they have any.

They could be the sort to kick an animal as it passes them. Just cruel psychopathis types who don't care one iota who they hurt.

Then again, they could be deranged types who shuffle into the public libraries, or internet cafes, to vent their spleen and vileness.

Sometimes, I take a look at the Daily Mail site and look at the comments. Slotted in among the really witty and funny comments, you will come across the ravings of a lunatic troll.

My facepoop settings are very strict, I only interact with my friends which include a lot of family and personal friends. My newsfeed is family and close friends only.

I got a book about Saltdough in a charity shop yesterday. So cheap and easy to use. I have bough strong unbleached flour for it. I have lots of paints and food colouring gels. My plan is to make some Halloween things, and then Christmas decorations.

in reply to Azure_Sky

On the other hand, it could be just human beings they don't like. Robin

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to

Possibly, but I doubt it.

Nikkers profile image

I just laugh at them because they're so pathetic. I do find that many are unable to spell correctly and their grammar is non-existent, so maybe the poor souls don't have enough brain cells to communicate in the "normal " way? I loved your physical description of them. Lol

Dragonmum profile image

Trolls are mainly the inadequate who, having achieved nothing themselves, denigrate others via the anonymity of Social Media. If one wishes to avoid them stay off FB & twatter, it isn't for the faint-hearted; on the other hand most people just don't let the poison affect them.

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