My doctor has told me that i have moved to stage 2 COPD. can anyone tell me what these stages are and how they can affect one please
Stages: My doctor has told me that i... - Lung Conditions C...

It will be different depending on what you have really but here is the nhs link
don't get to hung up on stages I know its good to know but it is a guide not every one is the same in each stage , eat healthy ,exercise well , don't smoke , take meds , and look after your self is all we can do .
Totally agree.
I agree with mmzetor, don't read too much into these links. They do give some good info but only in a general sense as everyone is different. Take your meds, exercise, eat healthy foods, sleep well & enjoy life. Take care
I also agree with mmzetor, when I was first had my diagnosis changed I was stage 2 but with extra exercise and breathing exercises I went back to stage 1 on my next Spirometry
May i ask what kind of exercise you did ?
Swimming and Tai Chi I have also learnt breathing techniques from meditation or self hypnosis very helpful as had breathing issues for over 30 year> I watched a video on you tube of a free diver and tried to copy the breathing system they used which was good and can swim almost 25 metres in one breath
flippin' 'eck that's amazing! I was recently diagnosed with severe COPD (stage 3) and decided I would return to swimming as something I used to do a lot. The first time I went I honestly thought I'd drown! Now, a few months on I can swim gently - 32 lengths (half a mile) - takes me about 30 mins. - It's very erratic though - I swim a few lengths then I have to stop and get my breathe back and some times it's worse than others. The thought of going underwater at all makes my hair stand on end!!
Ha ha ha x piggi
Great stuff piggi
Chez, there are some good breathing exercise videos on YouTube. Look under Breathing Exercise and also COPD exercise.
hi Chez13. there is a link on this site, showing one form of lung exercise see this.
Thank you all going to look up all the advice sent. Think as I am not too good at the moment I just feel sorry for myself.
For inspiration have a look at a guy who call himself he is a triathlete