How To Avoid Catching A Cold Or The Flu - Lung Conditions C...

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How To Avoid Catching A Cold Or The Flu

64 Replies

Our Aussie winter is over but most of you are bracing for another winter. I hope its a mild one for you.

I have just stumbled over a great article on what you can do to avoid catching a cold or the flu. Simple things but important. Click on the link below.

I would like to know what other tips you may have for minimising getting a Cold or the Flu

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64 Replies
grannyjan profile image

Get enough sleep......ha ha like that one :-) seriously tho thanks for that, mostly common sense but we do tend to forget these things during the summer. have a good day.

jan x

in reply to grannyjan

Thanks Jan. We had such a BAD winter here. Coldest winter for over 50 years. I am happy to survive for the first time in decades without catching a cold or the flu. Gerald. xx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi Gerald an excellent article, thanks and that site is very good and

There are a few articles on it that I will read later, when I'm not so

Tired. So Thanks for posting it.

I'm off to bed now, Good night.


in reply to Photogeek

My pleasure Hannah

mmzetor profile image

certainly getting colder nights and early mornings already had to light the fire few times this week

in reply to mmzetor

Keep warm mmzetor

Yeah same here central heating on for a little while this morning,

Hope we have a better winter then summer,

in reply to

Fingers and all other bits crossed for a mild winter for you over there.

mmzetor profile image
mmzetor in reply to

have to admit I like a bit of snow over Christmas for a few days then it can bugger off

in reply to mmzetor

We had snow in August for the first time in over 35 years

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

When does your winter, or the snow, traditionally end?

in reply to jackdup

Hiya Jackdup.

Spring officially began on the 1st September.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

Lucky you, we are just coming into fall and not looking forward to winter.

I don't mind late spring snowfalls like you had as you know it won't be around long and warmer weather is on the way.

in reply to jackdup

Jack we have had the codest winter for 56 years here in Tasmania. I am just hoping we have a decent Summer. Gerald

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

If that is the case I would suspect any summer would be welcome but sure know what you mean, nothing like a nice long summer with great weather.

Our winter last year I think was the most mild we have ever had or at least the most mild in my memory (of course that isn't what it used to be either).

You'll have to find that Tasmanian devil they used to show in the cartoons to warm things up for you. :-)

in reply to jackdup

The Tassie Devil is almost extinct. Yes looking forward to a Lovely long Summer.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

Almost? lol

in reply to jackdup

Yes there is a breeding program costing millions and their is a new colony on Maria Island which is on the east coast of Tasmania.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

And here I thought you were just yanking my chain until I did a search. You learn something everyday or in my case every decade. :-)

So do they just roam around in the wild?

Were they allowed to be hunted or why are they almost extinct?

in reply to jackdup

They are brush animals roaming around but very shy. They have developed a disease which has wiped out 90% of the species. Look at this link for more info. Thanks for taking interest.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

And thanks for the education, and the link. That really is quite something and very unfortunate.

in reply to jackdup

My pleasure Jack

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

Are you originally from there as you look allot like someone I knew 40+ years ago who was also named Gerry,

in reply to jackdup

Jack. I was born in London. My family, 6 children and parents migrated to Australia in 1954.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to

Then you are not the same person but you have a lookalike or a double.

Take care.

in reply to jackdup

Everyone has a perfect twin somewhere I am told, Jack.

I love the run up to Christmas, yeah we've had a good few white one now,

in reply to

Snowing already Sally?

in reply to

No I was meaning for the last few years we've had snow for Xmas, nice for a few days but that's enough, hope we don't have any till December ish, off to get some 💤💤💤💤 now night night

in reply to

Have a wonderful sleep.

in reply to

I did thank you, slept like a baby as my mother would have said,

in reply to

You must have needed the zzzzzzzzzzzzz's Sally.

Thanks I enjoyed reading that article.

From now I will stop picking my nose specially after gardening as I don't wear gloves.

Really the article was well written and for people like me with copd. ...cannot afford to drop there guard. ..its good to be reminded of that.

Regards. 👍

in reply to

Thanks wedderburn

amnihami profile image

Thanks Gerald. Will give it a look.

Nice of you to remind us Winter is on the way. Its a grey morning here in Bournemouth.

Hey ho. Onwards and upwards!

🌞 ☺

in reply to amnihami

That's very military.

Ergendl profile image

Research has shown that rosehip tea can improve the body's resistance to infection. As I don't like rosehip tea, I have rosehip syrup - just as I used to be given as a child in the 60s. I also take Echinacea tablets when symptoms of a cold start, to limit how bad the cold will get.

in reply to Ergendl

eregendal , I have began to trial Lemon and Ginger Tea. Not bad so far.

James48 profile image

Thank you - some great tips :)

in reply to James48

Thank you Sir James.

susteart profile image

Good information ... even just exercising for 10 minutes a day helps and wearing the correct clothes for the weather ... I tend to not put the heating on unless absolutely needed ... I keep throws on both couch's so when chilly its nice to snuggle up and watch the tv. Good warm lightweight boots are a must in the cold weather and warm cosy slippers to change into, lots of thin layers are better as they trap the air and keep you warmer. Good quality food and warm stews are better than taking lots of vitamins unless you don't eat very well and then the vitamins do help but you have to be careful not to over do them.

Sue x

in reply to susteart

Sue. Thanks for all those great tips. Gerald. xx

ericwood992 profile image

Always good to read your posts Gerald! I am flying away to the Algarve, Portugal.

in reply to ericwood992

I love the Algarve we go at least once a year, are you there for the winter, ?

in reply to

Very jealous Eric and Sally!!!!

ericwood992 profile image
ericwood992 in reply to

Hello Sally,

We go almost every September for three weeks; an apartment in a quiet part of Lagos. We are exploring the idea of staying for a whole winter though, perhaps next year. We love it too, and I could live there but Barbara, my wife, feels that the medical care would not be adequate for me. I only really have mild asthma and bronchiectasis though; the asthma I have had off and on all my life. It doesn't worry me at all being there. The climate actually helps me. What time of year do you go, and which part Sally?

in reply to ericwood992

Eric, stop it your making me jealous. hahahahaha Gerald.

ericwood992 profile image
ericwood992 in reply to

Gerald, I know that you have some beautiful beaches and quiet retreats where you are, and you don't need to travel as far as we do!!! You are just spoiled!!!

Keep well....

in reply to ericwood992

Your right Eric. Where I live its no more than 3 hours to the most distant place in Tassie, Do a google search for Wineglass Bay, Tasmania It is paradise. The most well kept secret here.

ericwood992 profile image
ericwood992 in reply to

Hi Gerald, I just searched as you said - NOW IT'S MY TURN TO BE JEALOUS!!! If there is a paradise, it is there!!! Thanks for sharing the "secret". I'll have to manage with Lagos I'm afraid!

in reply to ericwood992

Absolutely stunning place.

in reply to ericwood992

We go to a place called Olhos d' Agua, it was a little fishing village when we found it 25 yrs ago it's grown a lot since then but we still love it,

ericwood992 profile image
ericwood992 in reply to

Lovely beaches aren't they. We like Largos because the little town is surrounded by a wall within which development has been (almost) prevented by legislation since we first went in 1986. We stay within the walls, and the town has really spread outside them.

in reply to ericwood992

Have an enjoyable and safe trip Eric.

ericwood992 profile image
ericwood992 in reply to

Thanks Gerald. Catch up in October! Enjoy your Spring!

in reply to ericwood992

Cheers Eric.

SeasideSusie profile image

I take homeopathic Oscillococcinum one pilule on the first day of each month from September through to April. Can't remember the last time I had a cold. I ring up a homeopathic pharmacy, they make up a bottle of however many you want and post it to me. This was suggested many years ago by someone on a thyroid forum.

Of course, now I have COPD I'm also careful to avoid seeing people who have colds, etc., until they're better and try to remember to use hand gel when I go out shopping and wash hands when I get back to try and eliminate any germs picked up from door handles etc.

in reply to SeasideSusie

Hiya Susie. I keep hand gel in my car as well. Some people may think we are neurotic but it keeps us out of Hospital.

jimmyw123 profile image

very good link gerald, very important too

many thanks,


in reply to jimmyw123

Thanks Jimmmy

onamission profile image

I wouldn't mind swooping your Aussie winter for our UK winter I'm dreading it as I do every year

in reply to onamission

No way.

I'd 2nd that onamission I love summer time

in reply to

Don't we all. hahaha

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