The weather in South Devon was sunny, hot and heavy at first light. It got really heavy as the morning went on, even with a breeze to temper things down. Pegged out laundry, picked peas and strawberries and that was it! made lunch for us, cold one, but it took all my energy to get through half of it. Pollen very thick, I realise, but it has been the first time for ages that I have come to a standstill. Hotter days to come, has anyone any helpful ways of coping with it all? I am sure I am not the only one feeling so helpless. Polly
It's hard going today: The weather in... - Lung Conditions C...
It's hard going today

Hi I am in South Devon too and it is really nice here now. I took the dog out earlier to a groups of fields overlooking the sea. It was up hill and down dale and I really enjoyed it to say nothing of the dog. With plenty of rests of course I sit on a bench and chuck the ball for the dog who loves it.
I haven't got any advice on how to cope in the heat except to stay in the shade as much as possible and drink plenty of water. Just go slowly too and sit down as much as needed. x

Thanks for you reply Coughalot, I live near a long established clay works, and though they are not currently working there are lot of spoil heaps not too away. Add to the drifting from them, there are the traffic fumes from the the Kingsteignton bypass, the main run from Exeter. it is just out of sight from us but within earshot. School sports field at the bottom of our garden so it all combines to make life a bit difficult. we are rural, but not, so to speak. get these next few days behind us and it will be a whole lot better. I imagine you to live in the Torquay area, lovely, best regards, Polly.
Hi traffic fumes are a killer aren't they? I know where you are now. Yes I live in the Torquay area by the sea. Lovely. Fred (Holly) lives in Teignmouth so we are all near neigbours. x
Know how you feel. Slowly slowly, have a rest, then slowly slowly again. Pull your curtains or blinds, drink plenty of water and just try to relax. Saw physio to-day who said "don't push yourself" and I'm following her advice. Hope you your frustation level will reduce
Thanks for that, Puffed, just need to sit it out until the weather changes. I don't feel panicked though, just use my blue inhaler maybe once a day, It won't be forever. Soon be back to pottering again, roll on the rain that has been promised, regards, Polly