We went to the Bluebells woods this afternoon...
The Bluebell Woods: We went to the... - Lung Conditions C...
The Bluebell Woods

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I used to take my youngest Daughter to pick bluebells every year when she was young.....you were allowed to pick them in those days! Your lovely picture brought back a lot of happy memories for me. Thank you Vashti. XX
Looks so lovely xx
such beautiful romantic place Vashti it reminds me of the poem by David Woods
Bluebells carpet the woodland floor
Packed so tightly that insects tip-toe
Softly and quietly between them.
Their beauty unlocks a woodland door
Hope you are well.
Ant xxx
Thanks Vashti, beautiful. There is nothing like bluebells carpeting the trees. I am hoping we can picnic in Newstead Abbey soon; hopefully catch the Bluebells and the Rhododendrons. Probably not tomorrow though, expecting rain....
Love Margaret x
I love to see the bluebells,we have a few in our garden,but you can't beat seeing them in the woodlands,beautiful.
Wonderful. Just like being at home again.
I love seeing a carpet of bluebells and the scent is wonderful.
Beautiful shot, quite like an Impressionist painting.
A magical picture
Ooh lovely Vashti....pulling my socks off and running barefoot through the bluebells. So pretty. x
What a lovely picture Vashti - brings back so many memories of when we were children and used to cycle out to our local woods to pick the bluebells. ππ Jan xx
That's lovely Vashti, i always think there's something special about bluebell woods. xx
great to see such a spread of bluebells we have wood near us like that
So beautiful, simple beauty x
Hope you had a lovely day in the bluebells, fab picture I love it!!!! xxx
How wonderful, such a peaceful serene setting Vashi........just imagining the birds calling to each other. Netty
What a great photograph, Vashti. I can't remember the last time I walked through a bluebell wood, but I can recall the smell. Faintly Hyacinth with earthy dampness, peaty and so memorable. Little shafts of bright sunlight here and there and the dainty canopy of new beech leaves above, perfect foils for each other. Remember, too the utter peace of it all, nothing to equal it, so thanks for this lovely scene. Try to get there again before the flowers die back! Polly4acre
The bluebells are lovely, such an abundance of them. You can almost see the fairies dancing among them.
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