Hi, can anyone recommend a travel insurance company for a cruise without wanting the shirt of my back please
travel insurance: Hi, can anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
travel insurance

Hi, try miatravelinsurance.co.uk they specialise in pre existing conditions. Hope this helps.
The Premium will reflect the risk. Before I became uninsurable, I got favourable quotations from John Lewis.
The BLF says that they have a list of specialist travel insurers. I have tried nearly all of them and they were as useful as a chocolate teapot.
I have just used Worldwidetravel,insurance,a years worldwide travel insurance for me and my hubby, I have IPF and am on oxygen,my hubby has diabeties ,with no excesses and up to 45 days at a time travel was about £550, that may seem a lot,but believe me after some of the quotes of up to £2.000 I was getting it was cheap,the documents lay out my IPF and oxygen usage so ther can be no doubt what I declared,just returned a week ago from Spain,and have now been in bed for 3 days after picking up an infection probably the flight,so I might think about cruising,reluctant to give up on holidays abroad as I've just paid for a year.Good luck enjoy.Sooki.
Hi The-db, I renewed an annual European including Spain for £137 last month and I have three illnesses to declare, plus the age factor. It was the best I could find with All Clear Traveller Travel insurance on line, they specialize in existing health problems, if that is any help.
thank you all, didn't know it was going to be this hard .....
INSHORE AND GO, more to offer with cheaper quotes if that helps anyone else
Have you tried Travelsure?
Sorry--Stay sure Travel Ins. NIT travelsure