Most days I get an exacerbation at around the same time, between 5/6pm, is this normal? I seem to be ok most of the day but come 5/6 it starts dose anyone else experience this phenomenon !
Exacerbations: Most days I get an... - Lung Conditions C...

No I don't, only when I do certain things and not a regular occurance. Have you tried taking meds ie blue inhaler around 4ish as that might stop it? x

Thanks coughalot1, I will try with blue inhaler and let you know, but I am on Spiriva and thought this should stop it.
No. Spiriva is a longer acting bronchilator and is not suitable for exacerbations nor is symbcort. The preventative one is the blue inhaler. Take 1/2 puffs before 5/6 pm and it should help. Keep it handy in case you have another exerbation and use it again during if you need to. x
Don't have this btown but it's interesting to know that the exacerbation is so consistant.
CoL's suggestion's a good one, let us know if it helps. I'm just wondering if there's a another reason i.e, do you use any chemical based stuff at that time of day, or turn on/up the heating? Hope things ease up for you soon x

Hi Lovelight, I dont use any chemicals I have removed most of the normal stuff that people use since being diagnosed, but yes sometimes put the heating on, I wil try what Coughalot suggested and let you know how I get on ♡
Very strange it's that time for me every day when I'm on the setee, I get blocked up nose as if I'm allergic to somthing ,could be environmental .
I am not exactly sure what you experience but wondered if it is right after eating as a full stomach can put pressure on the diaphragm and make breathing more difficult.
me too, just on evenings, I do blame the heating.. Hopefully come spring we will all get better
I think it's a time 5-6 that plants n trees change giving out oxygen, if I sit on another room it does not happen. At the front of the house is flowering trees, the environment is closer than we think,even with the windows shut.