Lottie: I'm lost - Lung Conditions C...

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10 Replies

I'm lost

10 Replies
Towse1950 profile image

In thought!

ldwilliams profile image

I'm Lawrence

knitter profile image

Hi , if you live in the UK the BLF helpline is open during working hours ...they can listen to your problems and offer advice.

Keep going today and you can ring tomorrow.

Just another thought, again if you are in the UK, I wonder if Parentline is open today and you could ring them.

When my cough and breathlessness happened, I was diagnosed with blood clots too, but it turned out to be pneumonia..what medical treatment are you been given for your lungs?

Best of luck, take one day at a time and get all the help you can for your and your children's sake. Do you have friends or relations near you can call on?

Thinking of you.

GIBBO profile image

Why are you lost Lottie,there are loads of friends on her to help you with Directions there is a lot of knowledge on here ( more than you can get of the Professionals ).We all help each other with tips and the right questions to ask the Doctors etc.x

scorpiolass profile image

Hello Lottie, where do you wan,t to be love? Lots of people will help if they can. Margaretx

Nikkers profile image

Do you mean in mind, body or spirit Lottie? XX

I have just read your other post Lottie and it does sound like you might have post natal depression and being diagnosed with emphysema would be enough to make anyone want to hide under the covers and never come out again.

But it is not a death sentence and people can live a long and reasonably healthy life with it. Do you know your lung function yet? Are you on any meds for it? Any questions or concerns you have please talk to us and we will do our best to help and support you. We are a very knowledgable bunch and we don't bite - honestly. x

sassy59 profile image

Take heart from all the wonderful people on here Lottie and you will never feel lost again. You need help and you can get that by getting in touch with the BLF team on Monday. Please take good care of yourself and post on here again whenever you want to. There is always somebody around who is happy to listen and offer much needed support.

Thinking of you. xxx

monkey65 profile image

Hi, read your other post. You might find the Quit Support community here on Health Unlocked useful. If you type 'smoking' in the search bar, they should appear as one of the suggestions in blue on the right. Good luck and thinking of you.

etch45 profile image

Lottie I'm new to the site but already have found it useful, full of caring people who can help.

I will be thinking of you and hope you find some peace. x

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