how long does it take for oxygen to be below 90/92 to cause damage?? does anyone know
oxy level: how long does it take for... - Lung Conditions C...
oxy level

I would think that the brain would be so oxygen deficient that some sort of damage would occur quickly. This could be an I.T.A (minor stroke), confusion, eyesight deterioration or some head pain. I think low oxygen levels (nocturnal hypoxia) during sleep are the most dangerous.
I have questions like that. I mean if you need oxygen only during exertion it is hard to always have it with you every moment. So if it drops for a minute are we still okay? Good question. I am trying to learn about all of the angles of this disease. I went to Rehab and they didn't really address the issue other than not to allow the oxygen to go down below 88%. I have had mine drop to 84 momentarily
( probably a stressor did it) and I of course got scared. For now all I know is rehab said stay between 88% and 95% or higher of course.. Sometimes my oxygen gets to normal! I doubt I helped but maybe I said something good for you.
I have always been led to believe that 88 is the threshold below which organ damage can be expected. Presumably it would take some time for the damage to materialise.
My 02 keeps dropping to below 85 I keep getting really out of breath when I try to do things around the house actually getting dry after a shower is the worst .I was told the threshold was 87. I was on o2 last year. But it was stopped because I was ok when tested. Now I have had four chest infections since last October so I think my lungs have suffered . Can t. Get in to c the doc until next Tuesday I have RA and am taking pills that lowers white cells this is probably the cause of the chest infections so have no choice but to carry on swings and roundabouts.
My last PR in 2008 I was stopped from anything further if I dropped to 80%. I am now at rest 92/94% but will drop to 78/88% after going up my stairs?
the charts below are not what you could be capable of! this is a guide and we are all differant to what our body needs?
85% and above No evidence of impairment
65% and less Impaired mental function on average
55% and less Loss of consciousness on average
SpO2 stands for Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation. It is an estimation of the oxygen saturation level.
Oxygen saturation is a term referring to the concentration of oxygen in the blood. It measures the percentage of hemoglobin binding sites in the bloodstream occupied by oxygen.
Normal blood oxygen levels are considered 95-100 percent. Between 90 and 95 percent, your blood oxygen level is considered low but it is not necessarily indicative of a health issue.
If the level is below 90 percent, it is considered low resulting in hypoxemia. The causes of hypoxemia can be sleep apnea, asthma crisis, pulmonary infection, etc. In order to confirm that the value is reliable, we recommend you to take another measure while making sure you respect the good conditions described here. If the low value is confirmed, we recommend you contact and see your doctor to perform further analysis.
Blood oxygen levels below 80 percent may compromise organ function, such as the brain and heart, and should be promptly addressed. Continued low oxygen levels may lead to respiratory or cardiac arrest.
Oxygen therapy may be used to assist in raising blood oxygen levels. Oxygenation occurs when oxygen molecules (O2) enter the tissues of the body. For example, blood is oxygenated in the lungs, where oxygen molecules travel from the air and into the blood. Oxygenation is commonly used to refer to medical oxygen saturation.
Be Well
Great reply Offcut thank you. x
Mine have been as low as 72! I am on 1/2 litre oxygen therapy for min 15 hours daily. Was advised not to increase more than 1 litre as I am a CO2 retainer. My oxygen levels should be between 88-92. My oxy levels of course come back up so I try not to obsess on checking levels. Apparently I don't as yet have heart damage and I work three days a week so hopefully my body is not shutting down just yet.
All the best
I get a bit confused on this as well. My sats at rest are often as low as 90/91 but after moving about and exercising they are around 96. Is this normal? And is it good? x

This could be the fact that you are breathing more deeply? If you have a meter sit at rest and see what it says. Then take ten deep slow breaths in and out and see if that improves?
Wow just tried it. At rest 91 and after 10 deep breaths 97! What a difference x
Worth a look/try
Thanks Offcut. I am definitely a chest breather which could be why my sats are low. I find they do get quite a lot higher when moving around which must be because I am breathing deeper then. I have saved this to my favourites. Thanks again. x
Interesting post, thank you Offcut for your reply. Oxygen levels tend to fluctuate if you keep check on them regularly. So I would think it is when it reaches the lower figures as stated, below 90 that it is a cause for concern, however I have noticed taking painkillers sometimes also affects the oxygen readings. Gut instinct is a good guide if you don't feel your usual self have it checked.
the issue is in part the oxygen level in the blood but when moving about it the oxygen level drops its how long it takes to get back up is the answer to that, my oxygen levels should be 88 to 92 but when walking about they can drop as low as 72 that's when I have a job to speak I turn up my oxygen to get it back up quickly now when exercising I turn up my levels of oxygen to 4ltrs per min other wise its normal for 2ltr I am now on a concentrator during the day which is on 1ltr when resting so I change it when I start to move around
Remember too that the oxymeter is only an approximate reading as so many factors affect the readings. Skin temperature, skin moisture, what you have been doing eg. pealing onions, washing you hands with soap...the list is endless. Try moving the oxymeter to another finger and quite often you will get a different reading.
Because I do 'physical stuff' whenever I can and end up huffin' an' puffin', my oxygen levels go below 90 quite often; I'm no more brain damaged now than I've been for the previous 72 years...., one could say there's no difference in the before and after.
If one remains calm and does a bit of pursed lip breathing, all returns to 'normal' within a couple of minutes.
A doctor once told me when I asked about getting one of those oxygen monitoring finger thingies, to no get hung up on that sort of device as it generally doesn't mean anything in the short term. In other words, he said forget it.
From what I've read, an oxygen deprivation in the body is only harmful if it goes on much longer than the short while when we're breathless. It's all good.
In the meantime, I continue taking my CoQ10 and everything is generally on the uptick.
Oxymeter and peak flow meters are good for benchmarking! I have a peak of 350 but as I have RLD is not a good indicator but it will let me know if I am losing wind when it drops though infection etc.
It is like the average MPG in the car can be different on the same journey but a sudden change would indicate something has changed.
Just like to say I found that very helpfull and informative.....I to have low oxygen levels...thanks everyone.xx
Mine about the same,I just don't do a lot for them to go down I refuse to struggle more than I have to, stay off oxy as long as u can, I don't exercize or I stay at 90 ,I really don't want to feel as if it's a ball and chain ,and hump that big metal thing around with me so no I do not want oxygen .im managing ok,got my car and independence so what I can't do anything active.
I'm not sure if it is ok that the oxy nurses meter is 4 digits higher than everyone else's even hospital . Don't try to fob me off when I needed it for exersize they said no, so I don't exercise and don't need it now as they will have to come to me now I do not go to I cannot breathe. So really the mentality of this place I live in is Discusting .
I was diagnosed in 2002 and I have not reached that stage yet. It must depend on the severity of your condition? When I was diagnosed it was with seriously chronic , touching on emphysema. You must look after yourself and plenty of walking, That's whats done it for me. Good luck, and worrying will not help Bless you.