A Bit Of A Grumble...: Spring cleaning... - Lung Conditions C...

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A Bit Of A Grumble...

12 Replies

Spring cleaning sounds like a jolly good idea...actually a spot of re-decorating wouldn't come amiss either. But I've as much chance of tackling an entire room as of flying to the moon and back. And that's what seriously gets up my nose about living with COPD...

Even taking the net curtain down in the bathroom and giving the windowsill a decent cleaning had me knackered...mind you, it needed doing...and it looks better now, but that's not the point...if I do something like clean the cooker then I'm flat on my back for the next three days suffering from extreme exhaustion and my chest is rattling away and I think the end is nigh...

You see, while I'm sitting here at my desk, tapping away on the keyboard then I'm grand...not a bother on me. When I'm propped up on the settee in the evening crocheting away you'd think I was in the peak of good health...you'd probably look a bit worried when you saw me ease myself slowly upright before making my way very slowly to the bathroom...well, you wouldn't if you knew, but you would if you didn't.

There's no leaping out from under the covers stark naked to make a dash to the loo in the middle of the night...now I have to put my dressing gown on and find my slippers and sort of totter carefully, hanging on to the backs of chairs and hoping I get there before I wet myself...

I resent it you see...I'm seriously cross that I have that Alpha genetic thing even if it does cause the specialists some glee...I don't care that it's quite rare and I couldn't have avoided it even if I'd known about it...which I didn't.

Having some glitch in my genes doesn't much help when I want to walk down the road or when I'm standing in front of the display of sanitary towels and wondering whether the 'Night-Time Assurance Pads' would be the ones to go for...

You see...three-quarters of the time I'll grit my teeth and get on with it...but that other quarter...the annoying quarter which reminds me if we want the sitting room re-decorated we'll have to get someone in to do it...the quarter that means I'm shattered by eight o'clock at night...

But then the little pot of tiny Tete a Tete daffodils I have on the table are almost open...the scarlet Amaryllis's I bought for two euro from Lidls had fifteen huge flowers on it...the very last ones are almost over, after blooming one after the other for the last six weeks...I have a new book to read on my Kindle...Millie's cough is much better...I have the best of health care and medication and only need to ask to have more oxygen delivered to the door...and even though I'll pick fault with Himself time and time again...he'll get up in the middle of the night to make me a cup of tea without complaint...

And I have you...

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12 Replies
hufferpuffer profile image

Awwww Vashti!!! you sure do have us, very much so! Thank you for your lovely posts I can't tell you how much they mean to me! It's good to know you're not alone with the compromised ole lungs, I am shattered myself just after a bit of vacuuming and dusting and sawing wood, I'm off to bed soon with my kindle fire, I can watch the bbci player in bed with my leccy blanket on, o bliss lol!! night night Vashti tomorrow's another day :) hugs huff xxx

nanaber profile image

I feel very much the same. I was in London for the weekend with my son he was so shocked by as he said my "inability to breath" that I'm going to make a private appointment with my consultant. Having said that my gp changed my inhalers last week so hopefully that might improve my breathing and stamina.

holly17 profile image

vashti I was able to relate to some of the above our kitchen needs doing and its going to take me ages as firstly there is the ceiling wall to be washed and make sure all the grease has gone from every where then its a case of taping up around all the units get the covers for the work tops and the floor, then the problems are will my lungs let me do all this in one go, no chance as you would say more chance of going to the moon, then when are we going to go to cook the meals. Right wife and I have had a talk and we will leave it for the time being and wait and see what they are going to do about these tumours and if I get sorted we will deal with it then if not, anyone know a good cheap decorator. Keep smiling xxx :)

And we have you Vashti, to articulate what most of us feel but never admit to. I feel the same frustrations when I'm very sob, but I do have breaks from it, which is something I'm very grateful for.

Blessings vashti, X

My husband is the COPD/heart failure/vascular disease sufferer and, after years of doing all the decorating and DIY jobs, it's so hard for him not to be able to do it. We are fortunate in one way because I've always helped him in the past and have been able to take over these jobs but it breaks my heart when he gets distressed because he can't do it himself.

Life ain't fair, that's for sure. Just take good care of yourself. xx

BugsBunny profile image

Hi Vashti

Up early because the carer came early to bath me. I really enjoyed your description of the highs and the lows of having lung disease. I got asked in an email if I wanted to discuss my Bucket List with someone doing research for a TV show. Yes, I have a Bucket List. Do I have the money and the energy (breath) to do the things on my Bucket List? No. I will have to get my happiness from little things, like a new book, a TV programme or my knitting. Have a good day.



bulpit profile image

Morning Vashti,I would think everyone who reads this site will know exactly how you must feel. Thank heavens you are able to loose yourself in Knitting,crochet etc, and of course keeping us all entertained with your superb writings.Very best wishes. Bulpit.

Nikkers profile image

Oh Vashti, you bring tears to my eyes. The great gift you have for writing paints pictures.

I too get very angry that I'm unable to do things. I've always been a D.I.Y'r and what I used to do in a couple of hours, now takes a couple of days - then a week to recuperate! But what can you do? If it needs doing, you just try to get on with it. I cannot afford to get someone in, so I usually sit and look at it for weeks - even months - then attack it with what little breath I have. I have to sit down every 10 minutes or so, but still get great satisfaction when it's finished.

I wish I lived near to you, I think you would be a wonderful friend to have. Keep up the wonderful daily stories. XX

cornishlady profile image

oh bless you Vashti and we have you ! xxxx

And long may we all be here for one another :)

sassy59 profile image

How lovely vashti that we, luckily I might add, have you too. It is all very well having such rare illnesses (Pete has cardio sarc for instance - trust him) but they play havoc with every day life don't they. At the moment Pete is coughing for England - actually choking really - and to top all that off, he has a really chronic back condition too. He does get very down but he has me to care for him and then a little ray of sunshine enters the house in the name of Jack our grandson and sometimes Francesca too, our granddaughter and the world is a much happier place.

You take care vashti and breathe well if you can. Well done to Himself for making the tea - I do that too. Pete has gone off coffee at the moment so tea at any time of the day or night is what he wants.


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