Hi everyone. Hope you're all having a great Christmas.
In the early hours of Tuesday, I awoke to the now familiar but terrifying feeling of complete suffocation. I have had a cold for the past 10 days and the pain in my chest (right, upper) was severe and persistent. Within 15 minutes of phoning my GP, I was in her office being diagnosed and treated aggressively for pneumonia and thanks to this approach, I have made a quick recovery. I take Mycophenolate & low dose prednisolone for lupus and have weak resp muscles (?cause) so can find it hard to breathe well when lying down.
My Consultant uses the terms Sleep apnoea and laryngospasm interchangeably but is not investigating/treating for either. I am 47, female & slim. I am due to see him by Feb (at my GP's insistence ) and I would be grateful on any tips on how to drive this appointment. My Consultant has a very 'relaxed' approach and favours 'surveillance' but this isn't particularly helpful and this recent painful episode has changed my focus.
Many thanks for your time. Clare x