I have been coughing dark green sputum for about 9 weeks and have had 3 samples tested they all came back negative apart a small amount pseudomonas has colonised my lungs which they tell me they don't treat.I know I am classed very severe or maybe final stage emphysema and I am at a loss as what to do next.thanks.Bengunn.
At a loss.: I have been coughing dark... - Lung Conditions C...
At a loss.

patient.co.uk/doctor/pseudo... Explains more of the pseudomonas.
I think you need to get more of an involvement with your doctor or specialist. To at the very least fight the infection. I know that some of the gunk is part of the problem with many lung conditions. All we can do is get rid of as much of it as we can.
I have been at the point were I know I am not right but cannot get my GP to look in another direction but do not give up trying. Ask for a second opinion! I went to a so called specialist that when I got the copy of the GP letter was totally wrong in over 50% of it. He even stated my pacemaker should not make to much of a difference? But I do not have one! I was due one but it was cancelled as they think it would affect my breathing?
Be Well
Ring the BLF helpline today Bengunn. 03000 030 555 - cost of a local call from a landline, 9-5, mon-fri. They will arm you with guidance on questions and information to take with you to the doctors. . . Is there a specialising gp in your practice? I never see my own gp for lung issues, I always see one or two of the others who have better practice with lungs.
You should never have to wait for appointments either. You have priority.
All the best to you and good luck. Please ring asap, you've nothing to lose and much to gain. P
I would agree with peege - ring the helpline and ask their advise, you need some help - BLF helpline a call: 03000 030555 9-5 Mon-Fr. The best of luck, TAD xx
I too had pseudomonas inf earlier this year. My consultant prescribed 2 weeks of Ciprofloxacin then I had repeat sputum test. All clear and felt so much better. Ask for second opinion. Hope this helps. I'm new to this site

Indeed, You have a right to have this infection treated. I am always given Ciprofloxacin. Ask for a second opinion, or even phone 111 to ask them to assess your illness.

201246.Thanks for your reply,I should have given you more info,I had full blown pseudomonas early in the year but I can't take cyprofloxacin because it gave me a nasty bout of tendinitis so they won't use it.I did have IV antibiotics for two weeks but it was only partly successful .thanks.Bengunn.
It's difficult to treat when it's colonised but not impossible. Please seek further help for this. You will feel better when it's sorted. There are a few strong antibiotis you could have. Don't give up !!!
It's difficult to treat when it's colonised but not impossible. Please seek further help for this. You will feel better when it's sorted. There are a few strong antibiotis you could have. Don't give up !!!
I too had pseudomonas inf earlier this year. My consultant prescribed 2 weeks of Ciprofloxacin then I had repeat sputum test. All clear and felt so much better. Ask for second opinion. Hope this helps. I'm new to this site
This happened to me earlier this year the Dr. said no treatment as I was taking Clarithromycin my rescue pack, so I phoned my Respiratory nurse and she looked at the test results and went to the Consultant with them and I was put on intravenous antibiotics for 10 days and put on oxygen immediately I am now on oxygen 24/7. Needless to say I complained to the surgery and refuse to have any contact with the Dr, now.
Please phone the BLF helpline like the others have suggested.
polly xx
Ive never heard of pseudomonas not being treated. I echo everyone, call BLF, + get second opinion.
I had pseudomonas for about a year. I had to have colomycin antibiotic through nebulizer for about 18 months. It has now gone. It is common in hospitals and easy to catch but difficult to remove. I also took Manuka Honey every day because it is one of the only natural remedies that help keep it at bay and remove it. I kept catching it because I had a cousin in hospital for over a year after a kidney transplant and had to visit about three times a week. It's as bad as MRSA but nobody talks about it. Get a second opinion and make sure you get treatment.