Was given ventolin and spira but now put on tablets to break up the mucus too. I have coughed and coughed is this normal i was wondering if the tablets are causing this?
diagnosed with copd: Was given ventolin... - Lung Conditions C...
diagnosed with copd

Hi Bikergrove,
Welcome to the site, it sounds like the tablets you have been given are Carbocistine type tablet and they are used to break up the mucus sitting in your lungs so that it does not attract bacteria to come and stay and the less mucus you have in your lungs the easier it will to get oxygen into them. For me the coughing is part of the disease and it does help clear my lungs a little. Check back with your doctor if it becomes a real bother or changes.
Take care.
Thank you for your reply Bayleray, i am new to this copd and need all the advise i can get,i don't know where all this mucus keeps coming from,is it always going to be like this? They said i have lost 50% of my lung function i don't know what stage of the disease that would put me at.I just can't believe this has happened to me as i was such a fit person
I know it can be quite overwhelming trying to get your head around how this disease starts and I can't really give you an explanation. It seems to me that how people get it can be quite different. I personally have had Asthma from a very early age in my early thirties I developed Bronchiectasis but this was only diagnosed properly Feb 2013 - COPD tripped into my life May 2014. So the three grinches sit in my lungs and now play merry hell with me. I have no idea what stage any of the g's are and I'm not sure I want to know. I don't know your age but I am 67 and fighting.
Try to keep active as possible without wearing yourself out, have you seen a consultant and Respiratory practitioner yet.
And as to where all the mucus comes from, there are quite a few of us on this site wonder the same!
Never think you are alone, you have found this site and we are all here for each other.
Keep warm and take care.
" Hello! to you bikergrove, And welcome to our amazing and warm friendly site. Yes!... Bayleray is right. the tablets you have been given are for breaking up the mucus. I am stage 4 fev1 /27% and have had flare up after flare up since being diagnosed 6 months ago. I am on Spiriva and ventolin plus Salmetrol. and was recently put onto Carbocistine. to break up the mucus. I do cough much more, But!!! it is breaking up the mucus perfectly, making it so easy for me now to just cough it up. stick with it Bikergrove. you will not regret it. this is the first time in two weeks I have gone with out an infection. and I am in the past two weeks getting over pneumonia. I am to scared to shout it out just how well I do feel at long last, as last time I did. I lived to regret it. Good luck to you Bikergrove :)...Megan.."
I am so pleased Megan its great news and you should shout

" Awe Eyes!... Thank you and Yes! I really do for the first time in a long time feel a lot like my old self once did. it is such a lovely feeling to feel you have found that once lost self. I really do think Carbocistine, alongside a lot different vitamins have all helped me to feel as good as I now do, hoping your feeling good to Eyes. please have a lovely and safe week. Megan "
you have a lovely and safe week too lass
hi biker, yes the carbostein tabs should help,, i take them myself, but find in the last week or two my cough and bringing up this phlegm has worsened, i am an o,a,p fairly serious , much the same as yourself, i find if i exercise as much as i can,[which is not much of late], outside in the fresh air, along with these capsules, it can fairly bring it up,, i honestly think its just the "nature of the beast", we have these times, then it improves again,,but sometimes best see the doc, in case of infection,
i hope so for both our cases,,, [i am on oxygen] all the very best biker , i hope it improves asap,, kind regards jimmy
Hi bikergrove just a quick reply that may help, my cough is always there but gets worse with many drugs and when I have an infection. Fortunately my painkillers help calm it but that's just treating the symptom. If your COPD is recent diagnosis given time your cough might settle to manageable level. Try cough remedies as a option, like honey,warm drinks ect.
If you are coughing/retching really hard to fetch up the mucus, biker, I would advise you to wear a belt or something quite snug around your waist, I didn't and ended up with a umbilical hernia for good measure.
The worst of my really heavy mucus cleared when they found the right antibiotic, I think it had built up over a long period. Do not despair it can be greatly improved if not cured, good luck to you.
The coughing and mucus really causes me problems and it does for many of us with COPD. Mucadyne helps and also look up Autogenic Drainage which is technique of breathing that brings up the mucus without coughing. Takes practice but helps and I learned it on Pulmonary Rehab course recently. Take a look on line or ask the help line. Hope you feel better soon. I seem to have been waiting forever!!
thanks will look up the Autogenic Drainage,decided to try again with the carbocisteine tablets,i thought they made me cough more but many of you said what a help they were,so giving them another try. I thought with my inhalers things would get better but they seem worse at the moment, however must keep smiling and trying to accept this illness. keep healthy all you sufferersx
Hi Bikerglove
You don't give us much details about yourself. What is your fev1?
The more detailed you are the better we can help you. Glad to have you join our site. You will
learn so much here. I've only been a member since Nov. Myself and its amazing how much I've learned.
Sorry I didn't wecome you sooner.
Take care
Rubyxx π π