Yes I mean that. Totally embarrassed at my age.
A couple of my grown up grand daughters were visiting and as usual the television was playing reasonably quiet in the background.
Suddenly the music shot up to an alarming crescendo and grabbing the remote I tried my best to prevent my elderly neighbour receiving a heart attack by lowering the volume.
Didn’t work!Panicking, I had only increased the sound just in time to hear some actors that I have alway respected hurling profanities at each other in the most casual way.
The girls just laughed it off and I felt that they were sympathising my apparent childish naivety.
Have we really come that far? Like any healthy male I enjoy the naked breast but am quite happy to leave the cinematic sex scenes behind the closed bedroom door.
Same for today’s language.
To be quite honest I don’t think we have children anymore, those that pass by my kitchen window on their way to school sound more like stevedores snarling into their cell phones than the cuddly little curly tops we popped into their warm beds not that long ago.
What we all go through each day is reality and our television a means of escape from that same reality.
I know that tv and the movies of the 50's had a different moral code and wish we could get back to the way it was, couldn’t imagine John Wayne, Cary Grant, James Stewart ,McQueen or Gregory Peck being like that, although in real life, probably were.
The ladies? Well there is something distasteful about the girl next door or the girl of your dreams when you discover that she is nothing more than an old potty mouth.
Well that’s my little rant or thought for the day. It doesn’t do a lot of good but getting things off of my chest is as good as a cough . . . . . have a great afternoon.