My ears have been itching,seems I have been discussed by various consultants which feels a bit weird.First off they say my test results are a bit on the low side for reduction surgery.I got a letter today from another consultant saying I would be a good candidate for valves,this would be on a research scheme ,just waiting for the ethics panel approval,so I,ve been put on the waiting list.Also got appointment for February today so all is good whoopee!If I can just get over this sore bum I,ve got I will be a happy chappy again.Healthy breathing friends!!! D.
BROMPTON Update!: My ears have been... - Lung Conditions C...

" That's wonderful news Farmer. I am so pleased for your good news. so all you got to do now my friend is focus on that there sore "ouch" bum yours, In the meantime you have a lovely, and safe weekend...Megan:)."
Good luck with whatever they decide and keep us updated.
Very good news for you farmer and hope everything goes well keep in touch and let's know how you get on
That's fantastic news, keeping everything crossed for you.
Kim xx
Great news farmer, glad your a happy chappy, hope the pain in your a*s* gets better, I've got one of them, but it's not medical !
Really pleased it is going your way for a change.
Take care
So pleased for you, Farmer. Good luck with getting fit and strong for the procedure in the new year.
Thats good for you. I am having a valve fitted 10th December at Addenbrookes but they are only putting 1 in for now and maybe another later on in the year.
Good luck with that Farmer. Got the surgery coming Jan/Feb. Quite why I'm looking forward to them removing 20% of my lungs I don't know..
With all that's been promised you, sounds like the job a good plumber would love.
Come to think of it, probably easier to find a doctor than plumber.
Sending you a comfy blow up cushion with a hole in the middle.
Take care
Dozy xxx
Good news FarmerD and hope all goes well for you. Rub something on the sore bum and take good care of yourself. The Brompton is a good hospital. xxxx
Thank you Sassy,Germoloid seems to ease the pain so not so bad now.Never new they put a cocaine derivative in haemorrhoid cream lol,hope it,s not addictive.
Really pleased for you Farmer D what good news to have just before Christmas you have something to celebrate now good luck and I hope all goes well for you take care
I didn"t really want to know about your bum..........too much information lol but sooooooooo glad to hear things are progressing good luck x
I,ll have you know I have a very nice bum,my best feature when it,s working
Great news Farmer, things are looking up for you now. xx
A bit late catching up here but thrilled to bits at your good news. Go easy on the Germoloid or you'll fail to qualify on grounds of addiction. Bums away

Thanks Argana,no grinding of the teeth yet so I think I,m ok lol.D.