You Meet Some Funny People... - Lung Conditions C...

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You Meet Some Funny People...

23 Replies

I've been cared for pretty well all told since my diagnosis of COPD...stage four

Doctors and nurses and so on have been brilliant...then I decided I'd like a shower rather than a bath and asked would that be possible...and was told it would of problem.

A chap came out to ask a few questions and do a sort of review, I suppose as to whether or not I could benefit from a shower being installed.

He was quite an odd sort of a person actually...not in the least friendly and abrupt in his manner but I didn't mind 'cos everyone's different after all.

He wanted to see the bathroom and that was grand...then he told me to stand by the I did. And he hummed and hawed and pursed his lips and said he couldn't see the problem...

And I said I can get into the bath but find it awful difficult to get out and he said but you aren't fat...honestly...he did say that.

Then he said they can't install showers anyway and we'd have to pay for it ourselves and how much money did we have in the bank...

Well...I've met some forthright folk in my time, but I thought that took the biscuit so I said a haughty sort of voice...that we have the basic pension...that's all.

Next he went into what we call the back's where we feed the dogs and leave rubber boots and that sort of thing...he flung his arms about and said we could make this space into an en-suite bathroom...and I laughed...nervously.

Back into the sitting room where your man noticed the Buddha sitting on the window sill and honest to god he went practically ape-shit so he did...why ever do you have a pagan symbol on display he said...the Buddha...pagan?

Don't you believe in Jesus?

You think I'm making it all up don't you....I'm not...I couldn't if I tried.

I started to edge towards him...wanted to push him out of the front door actually...and we had this sort of complicated dance around the armchair while the dogs grumbled under their breath and I was pushing them with my foot...terrified one of them would take a lump out of his ankle.

He reached the front door and his parting shot was that he loved to talk about Jesus and I ought to get rid of my Buddha...

I was hell bent on complaining about him but found he's the top bloke for prescribing I left it.

We found a friend of a friend who installed a shower for us with minimum fuss and for a reasonable cost....

Himself was out so he didn't have the doubtful pleasure of meeting this bloke but when I recounted his visit he said...the mad ones always gravitate to you...and then he laughed.

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23 Replies

oh you could not make that up lollollollol so funny, I can picture it now - you pushing him towards the door and the dogs going ape and the Buddha looking on all calm and serene :) priceless

in reply to

And I had this awful fixed grin on my face and kept saying how lovely it was to meet

in reply to

LOL I can see it :) :)

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

Sounds like a pain in the proverbial to meet him ;)

Hi vashti, what a weirdo, and they're sending him to people's houses, glad u had ur dogs with u, anymore of that and I'd have set them on him lol. Enjoy ur shower. I thought working with people , u are not allowed to judge or be prejudice about race or religion let alone talk about ur own beliefs especially with that kind of tone anyway, I don't care how high up he is in his role I would have complained, but good for u shoving him out the door and still being polite. Take care x Sonia x

longlungs profile image

Oh my vashti how to win friends and influence people.One would think that the person dealing with such would be a little more understanding ? Glad you were able to sort the shower installation yourself.Stay well breathe easy :) Janexx

Kad21 profile image

I had a similar meeting with a nurse in emergency at St James, Leeds, I had been assaulted and needed stitches, as I was waiting to see the doctor she sat next to me and proceeded to tell me that if I was a true believer and has Jesus in my heart this wouldn't have happened to me! Needless to say I DID complain.

puppylover profile image

Hi Vashti,

Your story was so funny, I am still giggling. I will look out for your stories in future x

sassy59 profile image

Oh dear vashti, I think I would have had to frog march him to the front door. What a horrible little man with a huge problem! I know it is funny but someone like that could be very intimidating to some and he has no right to comment on anyone's faith or beliefs either. Glad you got the shower sorted and hope you never have such a visitor again. Take care and wishing you well. xxxxx

lindiane profile image

Hi I am sure i know him, he wanted to see me sat on the loo. horrid little man LOL

fastball profile image

Yes it is funny to read but I am most angry on your behalf , and I think I would find someone I could complain to. The fact that he is top in his department means you have to over his head to another person,. There must be a complaints department, there always is , tho sometimes it hidden.

Enought said hope you enjoy the use of the shower I know I do. Look after yourself and the other half .


warwickstag profile image

This idiot should not be allowed anywhere near vulnerable people. He is clearly not a fit and proper person. He needs to be reported and stopped before he does any real harm. Incredible.

PollyP profile image

Fab way you have of telling such a great tale Vashti, I loved your style of relating your encounter with this guy, hahhhaaaaaa, wonderful thank you.

So glad you got things sorted,what a horrible little man!

I would have reported him though,as some poor little defenceless person,might be overwhelmed by him,& by the sound of it he is not suited to this job! xx

nellie15 profile image

After l stopped laughing,I realised what a horrible much for maintaining your dignity,glad he didn't come to my home...l have Buddhas in every room and a small alter in my conservatory..keep smiling

Om mani ped ma hum


you MUST report that man thats one of the most outrageous things ive heard

who does he work for im furious reading this

notlocal profile image

It's idiotic that whether you get the bath facilities you need could depend on if you love Jeebus or are a 'candidate for hellfire'. Report him, it's not too late.

Katrina13 profile image

I would absolutely complain!!!

sukee52 profile image

Sounded really funny, although I imagine you may have felt a bit intimidated. Great post though, thanks for sharing.

FarmerD profile image

The way you,ve written your post makes it sound very amusing but I do worry that those more vulnerable than you would not be able to cope with this chap.His is a very important roll for people in our position,I assume he is a Occupational Health therapist.He needs to be reported,he is abusing his position of trust.Glad you got your shower sorted ,enjoy! D.

in reply to FarmerD

He has gone from his post...where to I don't know. He was an Occupational Health Therapist...I'd asked about having a shower installed and he came to decide whether it was appropriate...

I truly didn't think of people who might have been unable to cope with his decidedly personal approach...

onamission profile image

I feel sorry for his wife can you imagine waking up to him 365 days a year

roo-roo profile image

unbelievable !! don`t we live in a wonderful world..full of strange, odd, and eccentric people !! I love people they all make life funny, weird and interesting...and it sure would be boring without them !! Happy to hear you got your shower in the end..enjoy. roo-roo

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