I Think you all know I have Copd. Reading all the posts I realise how fortunate I am as I have only had it for ten yrs. and I am 72 yrs. old, however I still think I am 21 and so do my Family. My Family live in the central belt and I live in the Highlands as we all know this illness can make us quite isolated as one gets tired of : putting a face on. : My family don,t have a clue as to how desperately ill I feel so there is no sympathy vote, not that I want that ....just that they understood would be great.
That is not the reason I am writing this it is because two of my Daughters (. I have four.). are in very unhappy marriages, their health is deteriorating due to this but both having young children don,t want to disrupt them by leaving. I feel like a caged animal as I can do nothing to help, don,t even have the strength to go and be with them. Is there anything worse than a mother who can,t help their child.... even if they are Adults.
Quite Pissed, so excuse me for ....off loading like this but I know you can understand ....And that helps......Thanks a million for being there....xx