My wife brought me this lovely present, 4 pots of cyclamens. here's one view
wife's present: My wife brought me this... - Lung Conditions C...
wife's present

Beautiful, lovely colour, x Sonia x

Thank you so much. I try to take a close up. I think I'd like the corolla more defined.
Lovely. Mine have been attacked something awful. See separate post "Clematis Attacked" Rib
Lovely colour Helingmic, I absolutely love flowers. x
What a stunning colour.
Thank you GJ, I love such a present. I goes to my heart and is reminded every day of my wife's love for me.
It sounds as though you are a very loving couple.
thnak you, and yes; but my wife is long term ill with bipolar and is currently in hospital. this is a long term thing too. So I do appreciate her visits and miss her. but I couldn't cope with her at home and her symptoms disturbing the night sleep.
Oh such beautiful colors,your wife did spoil you! xxx

Wendells, she has good taste, and has chosen the man who is sensitive to her tastes
Love the colour s rich an vibrant. I bet that cheered up your day.
Beautiful - love cyclamen. I know this gift means so much to you Mike. love cx
they are really stunning helingmic,, the colours are beautiful,,, jimmy
How lovely , bet that did your heart good, mind you with all this amazing weather our gardens are still looking great, that and watching the Bird Life keeps me going...hope you enjoyed you Birthday....x
Absolutely lovely Michael, and another reminder of nature and the wonders of creation. The colour is so bright and vivid, and thanks for sharing it with us.
hugs from Huggs xxxx