Took this pic last Sunday, for somebody over 80 he amazes me with the things he does. He digs by hand with a spade still, has a great vegetable garden and poly tunnel at the rear of the house too.
He's so fit so what happened to me then?????
Took this pic last Sunday, for somebody over 80 he amazes me with the things he does. He digs by hand with a spade still, has a great vegetable garden and poly tunnel at the rear of the house too.
He's so fit so what happened to me then?????
Wow, that's a splash of colour and a half - absolutely gorgeous.
If you carry on with your adventures, you will be as fit as your Dad!!!
I thought some of you may appreciate a bit of colour to brighten an already sunny day. Alas It'll take nothing but a miracle to catch dad up with his fitness, seems country life has its benefits don't it.
When I visit this afternoon I may be lucky and get some runner beans, tomatoes,cucumbers etc and some more plums too, good old dad!!
Really beautiful garden Tony. Your dad certainly has green fingers. Not quite sure what happened to you but take care....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My gardens not quite the same, if you can't mow it forget it I say and my son mows it for me now so easy peasy eh'
My dad has green fingers and I have a green garden with a few weeds and brambles thrown in for the wild life of course.
You take care too sassy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dall that's so lovely! your Dad is brilliant and so are you! I was made up to see you in your fab chair, you well deserve it! My garden is not so tidy, it looks wild maybe I'll post a picture, I haven't got the colour your Dads achieved though! It's sunny here too yeay! huff x
Thanks hp, That pic came out well didn't it so I though why not post it for more to see. The chair is great once I won the battle to build it up, me thinks its going to get a lot of use in the evenings.
I'm off to see dad this afternoon so I might get some more pics as well as plenty of fresh veg and fruit to bring home.
Bring it on I say
Tony xx
Absolutely gorgeous garden. x
The front garden is on the roadside of a quiet country lane, a lot of people walking by stop and take photo's, I wonder why?
Thanks I'll tell him when I see him this afternoon, I'm sure it'll make his day to think his handywork has starred on healthunlocked. xx
I know how you feel Dall. My sister who is 7 years older then me and has had a hip replaced, climbed Mount Brandon a few weeks ago. I'm still flushed with success if I can do two flights of stairs
Your dad's garden is a treat for the eyes !
Dads gonna be well pleased with his rave reviews from the healthunlockeders. Its seems some people are luckier than others with their health, my Dads one of the lucky ones. He has always lived a healthy outdoor life which has obviously done him no harm.
It seems your Sister and my Dad did better in the gene pool than we did eh' lucky so & so's !!!
fantastic, riot of colour!
Beautiful sunny colours,what a great guy,to be so hard working at his age,he must get so much pleasure from it,as well as the pleasure he gives others.
You might not be as healthy as Dad,but you certainly have inherited his get up & go! We now know where this comes from!
Enjoy the fruits of his labor,lucky you! xxx
Thanks wendells, I have the same mind set as Dad but alas the body only works on tick over now. With luck I'll soon be back on the transplant list again and then he may get a little help with his garden.
Tony xxx
Dormice love gardens like this. Lots of places to hide and good things to eat. I'll be up for lunch next week. Looks like I have 2 heroes now and both in the same family!
Lots of love
Dozy x x x x
What a fantastic bloom of colour puts me to shame all my plants are in pots can't bend.
Thats a brilliant picture of your dads garden Tony, could do with borrowing your dad to help me, it's marvellous he can still keep it going at 80.
Perhaps I could hire him out, I'm sure he won't mind as he loves his gardening. We'll become a father and son team, he can do the work and I'll manage the cash.
Dad had to have a new knee about 6 years ago but that just made him fitter than before, he was soon back out working on the garden again.
Thanks Katie, I'll tell him what you said . xx
Looks great Tony!
Not bad is it FarmerD, Dad does all right for an old un' doesn't he.
How did the Jarrow walk go, did you see 02 when you were there?
oh my god i would love that garden